Chapter 133: Losing Faith

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November 18, 1640
Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire

Howling winds brushed against the windows of the War Room, as if attempting to intimidate the unnerved men inside. Gray skies accompanied these winds, although no rain fell. It was like the weather itself shared the same building tension as the leaders of the Gra Valkas Empire, who had just received word of a disastrous defeat at Hytal Base.

After a few minutes of waiting and discussing amongst themselves, the meeting's most important men finally entered the room and took their seats. Emperor Gra Lux sat at the head of the table in the War Room, flanked by his most trusted advisors. Chief Arnalt Karlmann, Chief Xand Pastall, and Senator Guinea Marix sat across from him, all wearing rigid faces that obscured their inner troubles.

Gra Lux cleared his throat and began to speak. "Gentlemen, I have convened this meeting today to discuss the..." He paused for a nigh-unnoticable moment, deciding his words carefully, "... setback that our forces were dealt with in the Hytal Region. Chief Karlmann," he handed off the figurative microphone to him.

Karlmann summarized the events that occurred in the Battle of Hytal, "The First Conquest Fleet engaged elements from the Mirishial Zeroth Fleet, which consisted of Mirishial warships, mage assets, a saucer, and three Plasma Dragons. Our forces launched a first strike, deploying submarines as well as hundreds of fighters and bombers with the goal of eliminating high value targets like their missile battleships and saucer. They succeeded in destroying the enemy saucer, but were unable to sufficiently damage their surface fleet due to the introduction of new types of magic, such as decoys.

Due to various reasons, such as inclement weather, our forces struggled to distinguish real targets from fake targets. The enemy has also adapted to our tactics and technology, making use of American advice and equipment to fend off our submarines.

After destroying the enemy saucer, our planes returned to resupply, but were unable to completely do so due to an enemy missile strike, which destroyed almost all of our carriers. The enemy followed this up with a coordinated aerial strike using their Plasma Dragons. Our forces managed to kill one, but the previous missile strike eliminated most of our fighters and thus our forces were forced to retreat.

The numbers are still coming in, but we have a rough estimate of the battle's casualties. We lost 16 escort carriers, 6 fleet carriers, 6 battleships, 85 destroyers, 22 cruisers, 13 submarines, and 600 planes. The rest of the fleet reports minor to intermediate levels of damage. The enemy lost one saucer, one Plasma Dragon, 30 destroyers, 9 cruisers, 4 battleships, 5 carriers, and 300 planes. Due to the extent of these losses and the threat of counterattacks elsewhere, the enemy has opted not to chase after our fleet, and has instead begun operations to recapture Hytal Base."

Unsavory murmurs began to spread throughout the War Room. The men already knew the details of the battle, but hearing of the defeat once more – by one of their top leaders at that – struck them with another wave of negative emotions. Some reasoned that it couldn't be helped; they had just encountered a foe and tactics they had never seen before. Others focused on the positive details, such as their successful elimination of two EDI superweapons. However, many among the War Hawks were clearly displeased, despite these considerations. Their displeasure leaked through their expressions, as if they had become bold enough to openly display their disapproval for the Emperor and his supporters.

"Gentlemen," Gra Lux spoke firmly, calming the room down, "I understand that we have been dealt a heavy blow, but might I remind you that one setback is not enough to bring the Gra Valkas Empire to its knees! We are winning this war handily, and we must stay the course. Remember this: the enemy CANNOT replace their saucers or dragons. Every loss we inflict upon the enemy brings us one step closer to victory!"

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