Chapter 136: Veirakal Forest (2)

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November 28, 1640
Veirakal Forest, Malmund Grasslands, Mu

The afternoon sun began to set over the horizon, its golden rays illuminating the tired victors. Wisps of smoke still drifted over the battlefield – remnants of the chaotic destruction that ensued mere hours ago. It casted dark shadows over the tired faces of the Muans and their EDI allies below, contrasting against the serene iridescent sky above created by the setting sun.

Jonas took a swig of water from his canteen, breathing a sigh of relief as he stared up into the sky. He and his comrades had emerged victorious against the Gra Valkans, allowing him to triumph over his initial fears. With their determined spirit and the firepower of American technology, they managed to accomplish what seemed impossible just months before: send the Valkies into a demoralizing retreat.

He and his friends were relieved from their work, as reinforcements from the rear pushed up to help clear the battlefield and search for survivors. They regrouped and began to head back, a sense of relief and elation spreading throughout them. Though their faces were rough and smeared with dirt and sweat, their eyes sparkled with joy and triumph – telling a different story altogether.

Haggard from the constant fighting, they eagerly accepted this reprieve and walked back toward camp. When they arrived, they immediately sought food from the mess tent. Finally ready to relax, they found themselves sitting around a campfire together, enjoying their hard-earned meals. Initially, they ate in silence, their bodies too tired to even celebrate.

Only after they regained their energy did they begin to react to the fact that they had indeed won. Mylan was the first to speak after a long silence, grinning as he declared, "Bloody hell, we did it! We sent those Valkies runnin' with their tails between their legs!"

Jonas chuckled, wiping the grime from his forehead with the back of his head. He knew better than everyone else here just what the Gra Valkans were capable of. He feared more than everyone else here what the Gra Valkans could do. It still felt like a dream to him, especially considering the unthinkable weapons and tactics they used. "Damn right," he said, "The Valkies've got nothing on us now."

Theo chimed in, his Otaheit accent adding a unique rhythm to his speech, "Aye, lads, we showed 'em just what we're fucking made of! I've never seen anything like it – golems, bloody tree creatures, and all that magic working alongside future tech! We've most definitely got 'em on their heels now."

The group expressed their thanks to the Agarthan and Centrallite mages alongside their American benefactors creatively, discussing what feats they witnessed on the battlefield. Jonas listened as a lucky man from their unit excitedly told them about wielding one of the American launchers, which was then followed up by Theo's tale of an Agarthan mage narrowly saving him from a hail of bullets using a quickly-cast Earth Wall. As they made rounds discussing their experiences, they eventually turned their attention to Jonas.

"What about you, mate? See anything interesting?" Mylan inquired.

Jonas had refrained from participating in the conversation because of the lingering feelings of vengeful satisfaction, but he decided to indulge. Maybe it was peer pressure, or maybe it was a desire to know if his comrades felt the same way. Either way, he subtly hinted at his feelings, "Yeah, the new rifles we got – I've never seen anything like 'em. Think I took down at least twenty Valkies. It felt good for a change, having the upper hand."

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