Chapter Fifty One

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An Earth kingdom official was walking through the snowy paths of the city, he was very annoyed at the Earth kingdom for letting him do this at this time of night. Kuei had sent him for documents as he and Chief Hakoda were having a small meeting on the expansion of the Southern Water Tribe. As he was about to say something about it, he heard noise behind. He stopped in his tracks and looked behind him, he frowned and squinted to get a better look in the dark.

"Who's there?".

When no reply came he slowly turned around to continue walking but then stopped when he noticed a hooded figure standing a few feet away, the official's eyes widened and his heart started to beat faster. He turned but was net with another hooded figure, he backed away on instinct and started to look frantically between the two figures.

"W-who are y-you? No, stay back!". The official started to back away.

Then he decided to just make a break for it, he tried to run but then felt himself fall to the ground. Then he felt his body rising, his eyes widened in surprise and fear as he didn't know what was going on. It felt like an unseen force was taking control over his body and he noticed one of the figures doing hand movements.

"W-what are you doing? What is happening to me?!". The official exclaimed.

"Knock him out already". The hooded figure known as Hakan said,"He is getting annoying".

The female hooded figure did hand motions and then lowered her hands, the official stopped moving and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he slipped into unconscious.

"That was good practice for the main event". The second figure as she lowered her arms.

"Don't get too overconfident, Miko". Hakan said as he stepped in front of her.

"I know what she said, Hakan". Miko replied pushing him away,"You don't have to control me like a little child all the time".

Hakan sighed before they started to head for the area where the celebrations took place.


Aang and Katara were dancing a few feet away, Zuko and Mai were staring at the stars and Sokka and Suki were doing what they usually did best, being themselves. Sen was watching as Hakoda and Kuei were discussing their terms for the whole agreement, he wanted to be a part of it but he was chased by the two saying that he and his friends needed to enjoy themselves.

"You're really weird when you're this quiet". Toph spoke up from her place next to him.

He looked down and noticed his wife eating the dumplings that Kanna gave to her like a Lady, the white haired airbender raised an eyebrow at this.

"Since when do you eat like a Lady?". He asked as he wanted to know.

"I am a Lady, Feathered feet". She smirked,"In case you forgot, I come from a noble family".

"I've seen you eat and that's not it". He shot back.

"Well, this is me playing the role of the Lady so no one thinks you married an ill disciplined woman". She smirked at him.

"And my, are you doing a good job at it". He smiled,"To be honest I don't care what people think of you. I married you and not them, I married you so that you could be yourself and not change you".

Toph blushed slightly before kissing his cheek with affection.

"I like it when you blush".

This rewarded him with a pinch to his arm and he yelped in pain before glaring at her, she smirked at him for a moment before popping another dumpling into her mouth like the proper lady she was.

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