Chapter Sixty Two

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The first thing Sen felt once he opened his eyes that morning was extreme fatigue, he breathed deeply as he stared up at the ceiling. He and Toph had been up all night, doing some extreme aggressive cuddling and he wasn't complaining either. To him, it was mind blowing and he didn't think that they would have actually gone through with it.

He turned his head and watched the womanly figure lying next to him, her long messy hair was splayed out everywhere and he smiled at the sight. He inched closer to her and moved a handful of hair out of her face and he was rewarded with the most prettiest face, he caressed her cheek and smiled. The young blind earthbender groaned in her sleep before slapping his hand away, then she proceeded to hug his body and inched closer to his chest.

Sen brushed her hair as she continued to softly snore against his chest, the idea of having your first night with your wife was rather new to him and he was a bit nervous as to how she would react.

"Morning, already?". A voice said below him.

He looked down and saw her eyes flutter open and he smiled down at her before kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, it's morning". He responded,"How'd you sleep?".

"I'm still tired and my body hurts". Toph complained in a quiet voice.

Sen felt nervous about that. She had been complaining about hurting since last night, he knew this was going to happen.

"Yeah, I didn't get much sleep either".

She tried to sit up right but then lay back down as she hissed in pain and held her lower abdomen, Sen looked alarmed and quickly relaxed her.

"You see? This is exactly why I told you to wait until you were fully ready". Sen explained.

"But I was ready". Toph defended herself,"I wanted to do this, Sen. Didn't you?".

"Well, yeah. If your parents find out about this they're going to disapprove of this". Sen said.

"Why? We're married. Why should they decide what we do with each other?!". Toph said a little annoyed.

"You know how your dad is. He might think I took advantage of your womanly urges and just went through with it". Sen said, leaning his head against the headboard.

They both went quiet for a moment.

"I can't feel my legs at all". The blind earthbender said with a chuckle.

"It'll wear off". Sen sighed.

"How do you know? You're not a woman!". Toph pointed out.

"Ursa told me the exact same thing after she had her little special night with Ozai". Sen said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wow, you two shared everything, huh?". Toph pondered.

"No, she shared everything with me. It was her way of annoying me and making me feel awkward everytime she told me personal things". Sen scowled remembering some events.

"So, what do we do now?".

"You stay in bed for awhile, once you feel like you can walk again, come downstairs". Sen said, climbing out of bed.


He stopped and turned. She leaned forward and kissed him, the airbender moved a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her deeply.

"I love you". She whispered as she broke the kiss.

"I love you too, Toph". Sen smiled.

"Now you can go".

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