Chapter Twenty Six

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Mai, Sen, Ty Lee and the guards in tow with Azula all made it back to the palace without any incident, nothing was gonna happen anyway. But Sen had walked the Earth for a hundred years and his experience had taught him that attacks usually happened after taking a war criminal, so he was prepared just in case. He turned his head to his right and saw the fire princess looking around the palace and figured she was recovering some memories, whether it was good or bad memories he did not know.

"Take the princess to her quarters". Sen said.

The two guards carried the bound up Azula to her room, then they saw Zuko approach them with neutral eyes as he watched his sister get carried away to her room.

"This is so a bad idea". Zuko said.

"I know". Sen said,"But it's worth it seeing her away from that place".

"She's so gonna kill me in my sleep". Zuko said,"Mai, if I get killed make sure our child becomes the new Firelord and not her".

Mai send him a look,"I'm not even pregnant yet".

"Stop being so overdramatic, Zuko". Sen said,"Azula is not gonna hurt anyone, I think".

"If you want, I could call a few Kyoshi Warriors and we could watch you while you're sleeping". Ty Lee put in.

Zuko look surprised,"Really?".

Ty Lee giggled,"Of course, silly".

Mai groaned,"He doesn't need protection, he has me to look out for him".

Ty Lee pouted at that,"But you need your beauty sleep too, Mai".

Mai smiled at that.

"How about Ty Lee just watches Azula's room instead". Sen said,"She probably won't make any moves while anyone is watching her".

Ty Lee jumped up and hooked her arms around Sen and him hugged him tightly.

"That's a great idea!!!".

Sen had to squirm a little because he could easily feel his forearm against her growing chest. You see, time had been kind on Ty Lee and she was developing in places that would drive a man insane. It also didn't help that he could get a clear view of her cleavage. Ty Lee had been well developed already even during the war but she was getting more attractive with each passing year and it didn't help things.

Zuko seemed to sense his distress.

"Let him go, Ty Lee".

Mai looked toward Sen once Ty Lee let him go and noticed his distress as well, she then walked up to the young circus girl and took her away.

"Let's get you into more appropriate clothing". Mai said,"That circus outfit of yours is getting too small for your body anyway".

Ty Lee pouted at that,"But I love it".

Zuko watched the girls leave before turning to his Liaison.

"Got your hormones under control now?". Zuko asked with a smirk.

Sen sent him a dirty look,"Ha, funny".

"The way you were so close to Ty Lee, man. With all these temptations going on, I thought you would have cheated on Toph by now". The Firelord stated.

"Yeah, I'm not that shallow". Sen said,"Plus, Toph and I don't love each other, why should it bother her if I go after other girls?".

"Because you're engaged". Zuko deadpaned.

"Yeah yeah". Sen said,"But we don't love each other, we're just friends".


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