Chapter Seven

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It was a beautiful sunny day as the sun was in the middle of the sky with storm clouds gathering in the distance, Sen lay under the shade of a large tree and watched the sky with a straw in his mouth.

"Didn't think I'd find you here?". Ursa's voice came from his right.

"Why is that?". He asked with a smile without looking at her.

Sen and Ursa had been meeting more often when he didn't have anything to do, they decided to always meet outside of Hira'a in a meadow, right under the large tree that Sen was lying under. It was their secret spot.

"How was the play rehearsal?". Sen asked.

"It was fine". Ursa smiled,"Ikem seems more invested in it than I am, he really wants to be recognised as a star".

"Everyone has ambitions". Sen said,"What's yours?".

"I just want to act because its my passion". She said, sitting down next to his lying form.

"That's really good of you to think that, Ursa. Not many people do things out of passion these days anymore". Sen said.

Ursa blushed at this.

"You sure your boyfriend won't get any ideas if he finds us here together?". Sen asked.

"He doesn't know about this place". Ursa said,"Besides, Ikem trusts me. I love him too much to even think about hurting him, its not as if I'm doing anything wrong".

Sen hummed at this.

"What's it like at the palace?". She asked.

"It's very fine. But the Royal Family can be a bit......difficult". He said.

"Its amazing how you raised some of the children". Ursa said.

"Well, we can't all be winners". He said,"I got stuck with looking after kids while I could have been searching for the Ava.....I mean my friend".

"Your friend?". Ursa asked.

"Yeah. He and I escaped when the temples were attacked but I don't know where he disappeared to". Sen said.

"I'm so sorry". Ursa said,"Maybe he is still out there".

"Maybe but he doesn't have what I have". Sen said.

"Being ageless?". Ursa asked.

"Yes. He could be an old man by now or maybe already dead".

Ursa looked at him,"Is that what you believe?".

Sen closed his eyes,"No, something deep inside me tells me that he is still alive".

Ursa smiled and slowly laid back to watch the sky as well.


Six years passed and the search for Ozai's wife began. Sen entered the throne room and saw Azulon sitting behind the flames, despite being an eighty year old man the Firelord was still as strong as an oxen. Azulon loved Sen because he always protected him when he was little from Sozin's wrath whenever he got angry, but ever since he became Firelord he became cold and distant.

"You needed me, Azulon?". Sen asked.

"Yes. I want you here in today's meeting with the Fire Sages". Azulon's voice came from behind the wall of flames.

Sen nodded and stood where he was. A few minutes later, Ozai entered and he had a serious expression on his face, Sen looked at him and Ozai returned his stare with a warm smile. Sen was confused by this, Ozai never gave warm smiles. Ever.

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