Chapter Fifty Four

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A few storms were experienced as they all made their way back to the Fire Nation, storm clouds were still behind them, following and taunting them. Luckily for them, the Fire islands were coming into view and they were relieved.

"Those storms were rather crazy, weren't they?". Zuko asked as they all watched the islands get bigger.

"I've had my fair share of storms and I have to say it was not like the previous ones I've experienced". Aang stated.

"Can we please forget about it". Katara pleaded,"We want everyone to see us back with happy faces and not blank and depressed looks. No offense, Mai".

Mai who didn't mind Katara's comment merely just stared ahead.

"None taken, Katara".

"We can't just forget what happened back at the South Pole, Katara". Suki spoke up before rubbing her right temple,"It kind of brought back bad memories from the war for me".

"Same here". Toph responded.

"Yeah, same here". Zuko said.

Sen didn't say anything as they got closer to the main harbor, they saw the elite guards getting ready to anchor the ship. Once they came to a full stop they made their way off the ship via gangway, they looked ahead and saw Ursa, Ikem, Azula, Ty Lee and Kiyi standing a few feet away.

"They're back!". Kiyi exclaimed happily before running toward the arriving group.

Kiyi ran into Katara's open arms and she hugged the waterbender master tightly, she missed her the most of course.

"Hi, Kiyi". Katara smiled at her,"Were we gone for that long?".

"Yes, I missed you guys so much". The little girl responded.

"Don't you worry. We won't be going anywhere for awhile". Katara smiled at her as they continued walking, she carried the little girl on her hip as they walked.

"Its so good to see all of you again". Ursa smiled at them,"How were the festivities?".

The group shared glances before they all started forcing smiles.

"It was great! There were new activities this time around". Sokka said first since he was genuinely happy, so he saved everyone.

"I'm really happy to see you, Zuzu". Azula smirked.

"You are? Really?". He asked rather surprised.

"Yes but not for the reason you might think". Azula responded before holding up the Firelord crown in her hands,"Here".

"She's been really mellow this whole time! ". Ty Lee gleed,"You should have seen her, so cute!".

Azula glared daggers at her before smiling at Zuko again.

"Well, that definitely sounds like the new you". Zuko said.

The princess narrowed her eyes at that.

"What do you mean by that?".

"He's saying you've lost your touch". Toph clarified things.

"Face It, Azula. You've gone soft". Sokka smiled at her.

"SOFT?!!". She exclaimed in outrage.

How much of her old self did she really lose? She knew she was changing but this was new, way too new.

"Calm down. I still think you're terrifying". Katara added while still holding Kiyi who was braiding her hair.

"You mind putting this on me?". Zuko requested as he held up the crown for her.

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