Chapter Thirty Eight

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Two months passed and everyone was back at the Fire Nation. During that time, Ursa and Aang travelled to Omashu to cure Bumi. The two bonded during the whole trip and Aang learned more about how Sen lived with the Royal Family, when they saw that Bumi was recovering they decided to leave the city and return back to the Fire Nation. Sokka was able to get away from his chief training and he made it his mission to come to the volcanic nation, Suki was overjoyed to see him again because she missed him so much and the feeling was mutual with Sokka.

The Fourth End of War Anniversary Masquerade Party was going to take place in the following weeks and that's why everyone was at the Fire Nation, they were the hosts of this year's celebration. The previous year was the Earthkingdom that hosted it and the year before that was the Northern Water Tribe.

Sen was trying to help with the preparations but Zuko and the others immediately send him away because he was still recovering from his injuries, the girls were mostly on his case about proper rest. Azula and Katara were slowly starting to bond through constantly nagging the poor white haired airbender, Sen was glad about that fact but not the nagging.

His eyes were staring at a large portrait. He smiled softly when he looked at the portrait of Firelady Hirohitaba, she had piercing golden eyes, jet black hair that ran down her back and she had beautiful fair skin. As he stared at the portrait, he felt himself reminiscing about the old times.

"You miss her, don't you?". A voice said behind him.

He turned to see Noren approaching him with a small smile.

"Yeah, I do". Sen replied, returning back to staring at the portrait.

"I heard when Sozin died, she took care of all the responsibilities and ruled the nation exactly like a Firelord".

"Yeah, Hirohitaba was kind of hot tempered and aggressive at times". Sen said,"That's why no one challenged her rule when she stepped up. They were all too afraid of her".

"Were you afraid of her?". Noren asked.

"Let's just say, she was intimidating". Sen said.

"Sounds like someone who barely showed any emotion".

"She might have had a venomous personality but she had a big weakness for her son and for some". Sen said the last part softly.

"For you?"

"Hirohitaba went out of her way to make sure my life was easy, she even stood up against society when they couldn't take the fact of me being the Royal Liaison. She couldn't bear to see me being upset and that's something I liked about her, she was basically my mother and I loved her".

Noren was surprised to see a different side of him now. He didn't always see him like this vulnerable, usually he had a neutral expression on his face.

"Wow, Sen. I never knew this much about your history, it's beautiful".

Sen smiled,"There's a lot that many people don't know about me".


Toph was upset as she walked through the halls of the Palace, usually she was fine with being alone but after getting married to Sen and having nightly makeout sessions with him she was starting to hate being by herself. Ever since coming to the Fire Nation they barely saw each other and it was really making her angry at him, but she also knew that she had to leave him to recover but she was missing his touch a lot.


The blind earthbender continued to walk.

"Toph, wait!".

Toph sighed,"What do you want, Sugarqueen?".

Katara came to a stop right in front of her with a casual look.

"I was looking for you".


"The girls and I were heading out to get ourselves dresses for the coming celebration party and I was hoping you could come with". Katara said.

"Come on, Sugar queen". Toph groaned,"I already told you that I don't do dresses".

"Look, I know things have been difficult between you and Sen since his attack but I want you to understand that he cares about you". Katara said.

"Feathered feet and I are fine". Toph defended.

"I saw you two arguing outside two nights ago". The waterbender said,"We all heard you".

Toph sighed. Katara was right, Sen was being a little distant after everything that happened to him and she couldn't take it anymore and she confronted him about it but they got into a fight after that.

"Please, Toph".

"Fine". Toph said,"I'll go".


Ursa was laughing hysterically as she ate her lunch with Kiyi, Azula, Suki, Sokka and Zuko. The former princess of the Fire Nation kept laughing as she stared at her son who was fuming.

"It's not funny, mother! ". Zuko pouted.

"Oh, Zuko! You make me laugh so much sometimes". Ursa smiled.

"Were you and Sen a thing in the past?". Zuko asked,"I just need to know".

"No, Sen and I were only good friends". Ursa replied,"Besides, he was ageless during that time. A relationship with an ageless person is really hard to maintain".

"So, you admit that you would have dated him". Sokka pointed out.

"Yes, I would have". Ursa said with a smile.

"WHAT?!". Sokka, Suki, Azula and Zuko exclaimed in unison.

"Don't sound so surprised now". Ursa said,"When I was fifteen, there was a point when I actually did have a crush on him even though I was with Ikem. Sen had a real affect on me and my heart back then, so I pushed away those thoughts and remained friends with him".

"That's too bad". Suki said,"But I guess it only proves that I wasn't the only girl that liked him".

"Suki, I thought we were done with this". Sokka pouted playfully.

Suki smiled,"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere". Then she kissed his cheek to which he grinned widely.

"But why didn't you just pursue Uncle Sen, mother?". Azula asked as she stroked Kiyi's back.

"If I did that then you and Zuko wouldn't have been born". Ursa said with a smile.

"I guess". Zuko said.

"But let's say you and Noren never met and you never married Ozai, would you have gone after Sen?". Sokka asked.

Ursa smiled deeply before taking a small sip from her tea. She didn't think she would be talking about this with her children and the Avatar's friends on a late afternoon, but she was okay with indulging them.

"Well?". Azula asked.

"If I hadn't met Ikem and Ozai, I would have told Sen how I felt about him and I would have kissed him and showed him how much I really loved him". Ursa said.

Zuko was close to barfing and Azula merely smirked in satisfaction.

"That would have been romantic". Suki said.

Ursa nodded before returning to eat her lunch.

"Are you sure you and Sen weren't a thing?". Zuko asked again.

Ursa rolled her eyes playfully and turned to Zuko to explain again.

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