Chapter Ten

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Sen was making his way back to the palace after travelling around the city, doing his Royal Liaison duties. As he walked into the palace grounds, he saw a servant run up to him.

"Master Sen!". The servant exclaimed,"Master Sen!".

"What's wrong?". Sen asked, placing his hands on the servants shoulders.

"Prince Zuko has been burned and is in critical condition". The servant said.

Sen's eyes widened and he immediately ran into the palace.


Sen ran through the many hallways of the palace until he reached the medical bay of the palace, he opened the door and saw a physician checking up on a fourteen year old Zuko. He entered the room and saw a large bandage covering the left side of his face, Sen frowned at seeing that.

The physician looked up when she noticed Sen standing a few feet away.

"Master Sen?". She said,"I didn't see you there?".

"How is he?". Sen asked.

Then the servant who told him about Zuko's condition entered. Sen kneeled at the side of the bed, next to Zuko. He reached out his hand and he rubbed the prince's hair, he bowed his head in shame and guilt when he saw the condition the prince was in.

"Prince Zuko will be fine, Master Sen". The physician said,"Although, that burn will leave a permanent scar on his face".

Sen closed his eyes somberly at that. Then he heard Zuko moan and grunt in discomfort, he saw the prince shifting underneath the blankets.

"I have given him something to ease the pain". The physician said.

"Who did this?!". Sen asked in a seething voice.

The servant immediately bowed,"It was Firelord Ozai".

Sen snapped his attention toward the servant,"What?!".

"The Firelord challenged Prince Zuko to an Agni Kai". The physician said,"But Prince Zuko had no idea that he was going to face his own father".

Sen scowled in a way that he had never done before, the servant and the physician were a little nervous from his anger.

"I didn't think that spineless, piece of phoenix ash would stoop so low just to harm his own son like that". Sen said,"Where is Ozai?!".

The servant jumped in fear,"I-in t-the throne room".

Sen got to his feet and headed for the door.


Sen used his staff to blow away the curtain that served as the entrance to the throne room, he walked in with a very angered face. When Sen entered the throne room, he saw Azula get to her feet and look at Sen with surprise.

"What kind of a worthless father harms his own son in that manner?!". Sen exploded.

He saw Ozai's silhouette get to it's feet behind the flames,"You need to learn to better address your Firelord!".

"You are no worthy Firelord". Sen said,"You don't even deserve that throne!".

"Father is passed being worthy of the throne, Uncle Sen". Azula smirked.

"You are worthless, Ozai". Sen said,"Manipulating your own daughter for your own benefit".

Azula blasted a blue fireball from her fingertips at that moment, Sen saw it coming and twirled his staff and blocked the attack. Sen used his staff to blast a wave of air at her but she evaded the attack and blasted another flurry of flames, Sen evaded each of her attacks and he then released a stream of air at her.

The blast of air sent her flying into a column and she landed back on the floor, she looked up in shock at this.

"You will never be able to defeat me, Azula". He said.

"You have no idea what you are dealing with". Ozai said before using the flames in front of him and launching them like a fireball.

Sen jumped forward and blasted himself into the fireball, he then burst through it with his airbending before shooting a powerful beam at Ozai. Ozai was sent falling back further into the throne chamber and the air blast caused all the flames in the throne room to go out. He came to Ozai and held him by the collar of his robes, the Firelord just glared at him.

"This is the same position I put your grandfather once in. Now, do you understand why he never had me killed?". Sen seethed,"He knew I was too strong for him, just like I'm too strong for you. If I wanted, I would kill you right now but my heritage prevents me from doing that".

"You are weak!". Ozai growled.

"No, you would just be a martyr if I killed you and we don't want that now, do we?". Sen said.

Then soldiers entered the throne room, they surrounded the area so Sen wouldn't escape. Sen looked behind him but he knew the soldiers were nothing to him, he knew he could take them.

"Azula". Sen said, then the twelve year old girl looked up,"If I were you, I would take the right side. There will come a time where you will reach your crossroads of destiny and I hope you make the right decision".

Azula was silent at this.

"Liaison Sen, you have to stand down". The leader of the soldiers said.

"Nature is constantly changing and we have to change with it, my friends". Sen said,"If we don't, we will always find ourselves left behind".

Sen noticed flickering light at the corner of his eye, he slightly turned and saw Azula shoot her lightning at him. He produced a ball of air in his hands and used it to deflect the lightning away from him, the lightning changed direction and fired upward and blasting into the ceiling.

Sen used the commotion as his escape way, he used his amplified bending and jumped up to the highest window and made his way to the outside world.


After leaving the city behind, Sen came to the harbour and saw a Fire Nation official head for a ship. Sen came out of hiding and carefully followed behind the official, he had gotten a black cloak to help hide better in the shadows. He then saw the official stop at the ship, he noticed a few soldiers coming off the ship to greet the man.

He used his bending to jump forward, he surprised all of the men when he knocked down the first soldier and blasted a wave of air at another soldier, he then pushed another into the ocean. The Fire Nation official looked like a scared parrot.

"Please, don't hurt me". He begged,"I'll do anything".

"Anything, huh?". Sen said, tilting his head to the side,"I need your ship to head for the Earthkingdom".

The official quickly nodded.

Sen smirked at this.


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