Chapter Nine

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Meditation was one of the things that came easily to Sen, it was because of this that he was able to achieve spiritual enlightenment. But when it came to a ten year old Zuko and a eight year old Azula, meditation always became difficult. As if on cue, he heard the sounds of splashing, screaming and Azula's evil triumphant laughter.

"What did she do this time?". He asked getting to his feet.

He moved around the tree that he was meditating under and headed for the central part of the garden, from where he had heard the commotion. He arrived and saw Azula and Ty Lee staring toward the water fountain, Sen followed their line of sight and saw Zuko on top of Mai in the fountain water.

"What's going on here?". Sen asked.

Azula smirked,"Zuko crashed into Mai and they fell into the fountain".

"I don't want to play anymore". Zuko said,"Girls are stupid!".

Sen watched the young prince walk past him and as he turned, he saw Ursa standing with a neutral face. He figured that she probably saw everything, she turned and went after Zuko. Sen turned again and saw Mai still in the water.

"Come on". Sen said,"Let me help you out".

He slowly helped Mai out of the water and she gradually came out and stood on solid ground again.

"Thank you, Uncle Sen". Mai said.

Sen smiled at her before wrapping an arm around her.

"No fair. I want a hug too!". Ty Lee said.

"Alright. Get over here then". Sen said and the young girl ran over and joined the embrace.

Azula was not amused by this. She had always thought that she was Sen's favourite but here he was hugging Mai and Ty Lee.

"I'll be in my room". Azula said, walking away.

Sen watched the girl go, he knew that Azula was not an ordinary child. She was a gifted child and she excelled in her firebending, much to Azulon and Ozai's pleasure.


The palace was informed that Prince Iroh had abandoned the six hundred day siege to Ba Sing Se, it turned that Lu ten got caught in the crossfire of an ambush and got killed. Sen did not take Lu ten's death very well because he had also raised the young man, before even Zuko and Azula were born.

Sen knew that all this was a sign of punishment from a greater power, this was the fact that the Fire Nation had committed a terrible sin by starting the war and by wiping out the airbenders. This was a way of getting back at the Royal Family for the crimes committed against the innocent.

Sen knew that it was only a matter of time before Iroh returned with the news of relinquishing his birth right, he knew Iroh would not want to be the new Firelord after what happened.


A few days later, Sen was meditating up on the balcony of his room when he noticed a hooded figure walking below. He quickly got up, grabbed his staff and jumped down using his airbending. He hid behind a tree when he saw the hooded figure turning to look around, he then used airbending to jump over the tree and land a few feet in front of the figure.

"Who are you?". Sen asked.

The hooded figure took off the hood and it was revealed to be Ursa, Sen was not surprised by this.

"So you did it, huh?". Sen asked.

Ursa looked confused,"Did what?".

"Killed Azulon, what else?". Sen said coldly.

Ursa's eyes widened in fear. She took a few steps back and she held a hand over her mouth.

"It just proves to me that you wanted to kill him for awhile now". Sen said.

"No!". Ursa defended herself,"No, I would never have done this if it wasn't for one thing".

"And what's that?".

"Ozai wanted the throne, he told me that Azulon wanted him to experience the same thing when Iroh lost his son. He threatened to hurt Zuko". Ursa said.

Sen then gave her a hard slap across the cheek, Ursa held her cheek and stared at Sen with shocked eyes.

"Foolish woman". Sen said,"You misinterpreted Azulon's words, his only intention was to separate Ozai from Zuko and not kill him".

Ursa was confused,"What?".

"Azulon told me about the plan personally". Sen said,"When you misinterpreted Azulon's words, Ozai must have used that to his advantage to let you kill his father without him getting his hands dirty. He must have banished you so that he didn't end up like Azulon".

"That vile snake! He played me, he made me kill my own father in law!". Ursa exclaimed in rage.

"How did you find out about the plan?". Sen asked.

"Azula told me". Ursa said.

Sen groaned,"Even as her mother, you seem to forget how manipulative she really can be".

"What's done is done". Ursa said,"I will just have to go home".

Sen watched her walk past him, he stopped her by the arm and she turned around with tears in her eyes.

"Maybe you can find Ikem again". He said.

"Maybe". She smiled a little,"Please, take care of Zuko and Azula for me".

Sen nodded.

Then she put her hood back on and started walking away.


Two days later, the funeral progression was underway and Sen stood in his white and gold outfit. Zuko and Azula were both next to him, they were also dressed in a similar fashion. Sen watched as the Fire Sages started to cremate the late Firelord, he didn't shed a tear because he was not sad that Azulon died he just didn't feel anything.

He saw Ozai get crowned as the new Firelord, everyone started to bow as Ozai got back to his feet. Zuko and Azula also bowed, but Sen refused to bow because he knew that Ozai didn't deserve to be Firelord. Sen watched the children closely, he saw fear in Zuko's eyes and he knew why. Ursa was not there anymore to protect him, he looked to Azula and saw her smirking at the back of her father. Sen knew that she always wanted her father to be Firelord but he didn't think it would really happen.

After a while, Sen noticed Ozai approaching him. He looked him dead in the eye, he was not afraid of the man that he had raised since birth.

"You seem disturbed". Ozai smirked.

"You and I both know that this is wrong, Ozai". Sen said giving him a cold glare,"You had your own father poisoned for your own benefit and you banished your own wife".

"I did what had to be done for the benefit of the Fire Nation". Ozai said,"Unlike my father and grandfather, I will push the boundaries of this war. And I will be the greatest Firelord in history".

"Pray the Avatar doesn't make a sudden appearance". Sen smirked.

"The Avatar is already a hundred years too late". Ozai said,"By the time I'm done conquering the Earthkingdom, there will not be a world for the Avatar to save anymore".

Then the new Firelord walked away. Sen watched him go with a scowl on his face.


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