Chapter One

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High in the sky, the sound of wind is heard by the residents that live on a mountain top. On this high mountain, stood a temple that seemed to be built on the peak of the mountain. Upon closer inspection, you can see the occupants of the temple moving around. This was a temple like the other three temples, located around the world. This was the Southern Air Temple. The sanctuary of airbenders.

A few airbender children were playing in the courtyard, they bustled around chasing the lemurs around them. A few older monks with arrow tattoos walked past the commotion with smiles on their faces. It was the usual at the Air Temples, the laughter of children, the continuous airbending training and the extreme meditation for master airbenders.


On another area of the temple a twelve year old airbender was surrounded by other kids his age and they all looked intrigued by him doing some airbending. What was unusual about the twelve year old was that he had tattoos like the other masters.

"First, you gotta form a ball of air". The boy said," Then you gotta get on quick". The boy formed the ball of air and got on quick and started riding it around the courtyard.

Another boy tried to try the trick too and formed the ball of air.

"Get on quick". The twelve year old said.

The older got on but then he started spinning out of control and then fell down.

"Don't worry, you'll get it soon". The boy said.

"Aang, where'd you learn that?". A little boy asked.

The twelve year old shrugged,"I made it up".

The little boy seemed surprised and impressed,"Wow!".

"You guys seem to be having fun?". Another boy who was about 14 said.

"Hey, Sen". Aang smiled.

Sen smiled back,"Hey".

"How was training?". Aang asked.

"It was great. I'm this close to getting my tattoos and then I will be the next teen master". Sen said.

"Hope you get them too". Aang smiled.

"Aang?". A voice called.

Aang and the other kids all turned and saw the Elder Monks standing at the courtyard steps.

"We need to speak with you". The first monk said.

Aang's face went serious and he slowly approached the monks and followed up the steps. Sen watched Aang go with a frown on his face.

"Is Aang in trouble?". The little boy asked.

"I don't think so". Sen said, reassuring the small child.


"You're the Avatar?!". Sen exclaimed as they walked along a path on the mountainside.

"That's what the monks told me". Aang said with a somber face.

"Why are you so upset?". Sen asked,"You should be happy, you are the Avatar. It means you have all the power in the world and you can even bend more than one elements".

"Its not worth it if things around me are changing". Aang said.

They then decided to sit on the edge of a cliff and watch the clouds drift by.

"What do you mean?". Sen asked.

"Yesterday, the other kids didn't want me to play their game because they thought it would be unfair if I played". Aang said.

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