Chapter Eleven

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Two years passed, a few days while in an Earth Temple in Ba Sing Se, Sen saw the eyes of previous statues of avatars glowing. Sen was filled with so much happiness, he knew that Aang was still alive. That was the sign he was waiting for, he couldn't wait to see his old friend.

He was walking through a large stretch of a meadow that day, he was glad to be back on the outside world. He had visited Omashu a few days ago and he met Bumi there and he had grown old, Sen was surprised that he was still alive.

But it was good to see an old friend again. Kuzon died a hundred years ago after he tried to sabotage the Fire Nation from winning a small battle with an Earthkingdom town.

Sen walked until he arrived by a cliff and he looked out to the ocean, he saw Kyoshi Island many miles away. Chin Village was basically behind him, as he knew that this was the area that Avatar Kyoshi had made her historic feat by splitting her island from the mainland.

He opened his staff and it stretched out into a glider, he lifted it up and tested it against the ocean's breeze.

"Worth a try". Sen said.

He jumped off the cliff and flew away on his glider toward Kyoshi Island, he knew people would be shocked to see someone flying a glider like an airbender.


After a couple hours of flying, he saw the island come into view. He saw the people bustling around the small town. He swooped in like a speeding raptor, much to the shock and surprise of some people. He circled for a few minutes above the town and he noticed the Kyoshi Warriors appearing on the scene and a older man appeared as well, Sen decided to make his landing and talk to the older man.

He twirled his staff and landed on the ground, a small crowd gathered around and watched what was going on.

"Who are you?". The lead Kyoshi Warrior asked.

"I was just passing by". Sen said, holding his staff at the ready.

"How were you able to fly in the air?". The older man asked.

"I'm an airbender". Sen said.

"You're lying! All airbenders were wiped out a hundred years ago". The lead Kyoshi Warrior said.

"Well, two survived the genocide". Sen smiled,"The Avatar and me".

The older man laughed at this,"You expect me to believe that you are over a hundred years old?!".

"But I am an airbender". Sen said.

"If you are one, then prove it". The lead Kyoshi Warrior said.

Sen smirked. He looked at Avatar Kyoshi's statue behind him before back flipping himself twenty feet into the air, with precision he landed on the left shoulder of the statue with ease. The people below watched in shock and surprise at this.

"This statue could use a scrubbing, it's kind of filthy". Sen said, looking at the statue,"No offense, Kyoshi".

The people started to cheer below. He jumped down and he slowed his descend with his airbending, he landed with grace and precision.

"It is true, you are an airbender". The man said before bowing,"I'm Oyaji, I'm the chieftain of Kyoshi Island".

"It is an honor to meet you, Chieftain Oyaji". Sen said,"I'm Sen".

The lead Kyoshi Warrior stepped up with a bow,"I'm Suki".

Sen smiled and returned the bow.

"Do you know where the Avatar is?". Oyaji asked.

"Unfortunately, no". Sen said,"But I know I'm close to finding him".

"Why don't you have tattoos?". Suki asked.

"The Fire Nation attacked the Southern Air Temple before I could get my tattoos". Sen said.

"The Fire Nation are horrible people". Oyaji said.

"Not everyone in the Fire Nation is horrible". Sen said,"Some of them are actually very nice people".

"How do you know this?". Suki asked.

"I lived in the Fire Nation Palace and was a caretaker for the Royal Family". Sen said.

"I thought the Fire Nation didn't take airbenders as prisoners". Suki said.

"I know. But Sozin spared me for some reason and I raised his son, Azulon". Sen said.

"You raised the previous Firelord?". Oyaji asked.

Sen nodded,"But can I please answer your questions later, I'm a little tired right now".

Oyaji nodded,"Of course".


After explaining to everyone his life story, he stood on the beach that night. The moon was full and he couldn't help gazing into it, after being blessed by the Air Spirit he started feeling more connected to the world of the spirits. He had basically become a part spirit as well, sort of.

"Aren't you cold?". A voice asked.

Sen turned and saw Suki approaching him, this time she didn't have her make up on.

"I'm an airbender". Sen said,"We don't usually feel the cold".

"Oh, right". Suki smiled.

"You look different without your make up on". Sen said.

Suki blushed,"Thanks, I guess".

"Is the Unagi still here?". Sen asked,"the last time I saw it was a hundred years ago".

"Oh, that one died a long time ago". Suki said,"The one we have now is a young one and it is even more bigger than the previous one".

"Great, now I have the sudden urge to go in the water and ride it". Sen said with a smile.

Suki laughed.

"My friend, Aang and I used to ride the elephant koi here a lot of times a hundred years ago". Sen said,"It was basically a month before they told him that he was the Avatar".

"I'm so sorry, Sen". Suki said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Sen turned and stared into her eyes and she did the same thing as well, they looked at each other for a moment. Then Suki leaned up on her toes and landed a kiss on Sen's lips and he casually returned it as well, she wrapped her arms around him and they both deepened the kiss.

After a few minutes of kissing, Sen pulled away immediately and backed away.

"I'm sorry". Sen said,"We shouldn't do this".

Suki blushed,"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have done that".

"It's okay". Sen smiled,"It felt nice. It's been a century since I last kissed a girl".

"Really?'. Suki asked.

Sen nodded.

"Well, I'll go back to sleep". Suki said awkwardly,"You know, big day tomorrow. So gotta go sleep".

"Goodnight, Suki". Sen said.

"Goodnight, Sen". Suki said before taking off.

Sen gave out a small chuckle when she left.

"She'll find the perfect boyfriend". Sen said.


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