Finals: Bakugo Vs Todoroki

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Finals: Bakugo vs Todoroki

Your POV

You slowly started to wake up and you saw a bright light above you. 'Where the hell am I?' You thought then focused your eyes more and you saw you was in the medical of the sports arena. 'You've got to be kidding me?'

"Akio! You're okay!" You heard a voice to your side and saw Emiko sitting there. "Emiko...?" You said then she slapped you in the face. "That's for scaring me!" She said then hugs you tight. "This is for being okay." She finished. "Tsk. Of course I'm fine. How long was I out?" You asked. "For a half an hour mostly." Emiko said. "What happened between my fight with Todoroki?" You asked and Emiko looked down. "You both were knocked out but you were pushed out of bounds in the process. You lost. I'm sorry." She said.

"Damn. If I was stronger I would've beem able to win. Instead I had to have this stupid backlash of my Quirk. What a pain." You said. "Akio. You may have lost but you put on an awesome fight. It most likely was one of the top three best matches in the tournament. You did good. Don't beat yourself up about it." Emiko said. You looked at her for a second but then turned your head to the side. "Yeah I guess. What's going on now?" You asked. "Well they're still fixing up the ring at the moment and when they're done it'll be Bakugo vs Tokoyami. And which ever one of them wins faces Todoroki in the finals. Recovery Girl said you still need more rest before you could leave. She healed you a little but I, your coach and personal nurse, healed you most of the way while you was sleeping like a baby." Emilo said with a grin. "I still don't know when I said you were my coach." You said making Emiko laugh.

Timeskip/Narrator POV

After the ring was fixed it time to move on to the next match in the semi finals. Battle against Bakugo and Tokoyami had just begun. "And now Bakugo versus Tokoyami! Bakugo vicious rushes are unstoppable!" Present Mic shouted in the loud speaker. Bakugo rushed Tokoyami as he called on his Dark Shadow. "That thing is so damn annoying! Die! Loser!" Bakugo shouted as he fired an explosion from his hand that was too much for Tokoyami. "Tokoyami has advanced this far with almost and unbeatable Quirk! But this time it looks like he's on the ropes!" Present Mic said as Tokoyami was overwhelmed with explosions.

"What is that bird brain doing?! He attacked super hard when he was up against us!" Ashido said sitting next to Momo. "There must be a reason." Momo said. "Dark Shadow. He can't go on the offensive because of all the light." Uraraka said. "Most people don't know about his weakness. Kacchan may not have figured it out yet." Deku added.

As Dark Shadow was about to attack Bakugo fired another explosion at the bird. "Grab him! Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami shouted. Before it could, Bakugo fired an explosion underneath him while in mid air and landed behind Tokoyami. Bakugo put his hands together and fired a blinding explosion. "Stun Gernade!" Bakugo shouted as the light blinded Tokiyami and making Dark Shadow disappear. Once the smoke cleared Bakugo was on top of Tokoyami with a tight grip on his beak. "Tell me Bakugo, did you know of my weakness before?" Tokoyami asked. "I figured it out by attacking you over and over again. It was a pretty bad match for you. I almost feel bad. But you're done." Bakugo said with a smirk. "I surrender." Tokoyami said. "Tokoyami gives up! Bakugo's the winner of this match!" Midnight said and the crowd cheers. "That means our final fight will be between Todoroki and Bakugo!" Present Mic said and the crowd erupted inti more cheers.

"Man. Poor Tokoyami." Uraraka said. "I thought for sure the bird was gonna win this one." Sero said. "I guess that means his Quirk's nor invincible after all." Kaminari said.

"Of course not." A voice said behind them. They turned to see Akio with Emiko next to him. "Nobody's Quirk is invincible. No matter how it looks." He finished. "Akio! You're okay! How do you feel?" Ashido said. "How I'm feeling doesn't matter right now. All that matters right is seeing the fight between Bakugo and Todoroki." Akio said. "Yeah. It will be intense." Kaminari said. "But hey. Don't feel bad that you didn't make it to the finals. Your match with Todoroki was awesome." Kirishima said. "Whatever. Just know that next time he won't beat me so easily." Akio said.

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