U.A. Students Vs Stain

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Your POV

You and Shoto stood in the alleyway looking ahead at the three people on the ground and the man that put them there. "So that's the Hero Killer huh? I expected a lil more flare in his name." You said. "You guys are here too?" Iida said on the ground. "How'd you get here?" Deku asked. "Good question. Your message took us a while to figure out. Next time just send more than just your specific location. But you're not really one to send cryptic messages without a reason are you." Shoto said. Ice came from his right side on the forward as the Hero Killer dodged it jumping back but the ice was meant to carry Deku, Iida and the other injured hero to safety behind you two. "So we figured you were in trouble and asking for help. Everything's okay. The pro heroes will be here any minute!" Shoto said as you both walked forward. "So just sit back and let us handle this guy." You added as you got out one of your pistols and had it aimed and shot at the Hero Killer forcing him behind the ice will the Shoto created.

"You're just what they said you were. But you won't be taking anymore lives Hero Killer." Shoto said igniting his left side again. "Akio! Todoroki! You can't let him get your blood. I think he can control his enemies actions by swallowing it. That's how he got us." Deku said. "That's disgusting." You said. "So he adjust blood to prevent people from moving." Shoto said. "That explains the swords. All we gotta do is keep our distance." You said.

Just then you saw Stain throw a knife towards Shoto and quickly caught it inches from his temple but another knife and it went into your arm. You winced at the pain but then you saw Stain jump up and attempt to swing his sword at Shoto but Shoto formed some ice to block it. Then as you pulled the knife out of your arm Stain grabbed onto you and went to lick the blood coming out of your arm but you quickly released some flames from your arm making him back up. "He's strong." Shoto said. "And very agile." You said throwing the bloody knife to the ground. Then as Stain threw two more knifes at you you blocked them with the knife you still had in your hand. 'Oh I'm keeping this.'

"Please stop! Why are you doing this? His fight is with me! I inherited my brother's name. I'm the one that should stop him. The Hero Killer is mine!" Iida said. "You're Ingenium now? Strange. The Ingenium I knew before never had that look on his face. You got a dark side guess my family isn't the only one." Shoto said as he launched more ice at the Hero Killer while also shooting fire at it.

Then you saw the Hero Killer slice the ice into smaller pieces with his swords. "You've blocked your field of vision against someone faster than you. Rookie mistake." The Hero Killer said. "Come get us then!" You shouted shooting at him with your pistol but then he threw two swords at you one hitting your arm and another grazed thr side of your helmet. Then Stain jumped above you and Shoto with sword raised at the injured pro hero. "You two are good. Unlike him." He said dropping down about to kill the pro.

Then Deku jumped up with green sparks around him as he dragged Stain away. "Midoriya!" Shoto shouted. "I'm not sure why but I'm able to move now!" Deku shouted. "So he has a time limit." You said as you pulled the knife out of your arm and looked over at Shoto who was pulling two knifes out of his arm. "No that kid should've been the last to get freed. I still can't move a muscle." The pro said. Then Stain threw Deku off of him and Stain landed behind him. "Midoriya! Dodge!" Shoto said as he released ice from the ground. Deku dodged the ice and so did Stain. Deku landed next to you on one knee. "He swallows people's blood to freeze them but I was the one freed first. I got three guess why. His Quirk could be less effective the more people he uses it on. The amount ingested could play into how long it works. Or it could be based on blood type." Deku explained.

"So you figured it out. Bravo. Very impressive." Stain said with a smirk. "It doesn't really help us much knowing how his Quirk works." Deku said. "I thought we could hurry and carry those two out of here, but it's no good. He's too fast. He can avoid ice and fire. I'd have to leave myself unguarded." Shoto said. "He can also dodge my flame bullets and I always have good accuracy. It's very annoying. Are only option is to take him down and avoid close combat." You said putting away your new knife and getting out your second pistol. "I'll distract him while you two support me." Deku said. "You want to take a big risk. Okay. Lets do it. We can protect them." Shoto said. "Just don't get in the way of my shots. And don't tell me what to do." You said.

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