Chapter 18

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The sound of fighting grew closer and closer with each step we took, and I grew a little more excited.

Sergio took a slight step away from me and looked at me with wary eyes, and I couldn't help but roll mine.

However, I was not able to say anything because we ended up in the spot where the fighting was happening.

A girl with black hair streaked with blue was up against a male that was built differently than her. Her brows were furrowed while she concentrated on him, her electric blue eyes watching every move that he made.

The male was watching her and did not give off any weakness. His whole body was relaxed while he watched her, waiting for her next move.

The girl shifted her weight onto one foot and kicked out at the male, and the male grabbed her leg and pulled her down quickly because she kept her body open and not closed like she should have.

"Gaaaahhhh!!!" the girl screamed in frustration. She pounded her fists into his arm, but the male brushed her off and ignored it. "Let go!" she exclaimed. "And fight me, asshole!"

"Enough!" a sharp voice rang out, and my heart broke and filled with guilt before the guilt turned to relief because whoever the owner of that voice was still alive and, for the most part, well. "Stop hitting him, Zaria. He won fair and square."

The girl, Zaria, stopped beating the other guy's arm and glared at the person that I couldn't see. "He cheated!" the girl exclaimed, and I bit back a snort of amusement. She gestured to the male that was now standing at attention, waiting for his next order. "Commander, I promise you, he cheated."

"He didn't cheat," the person, Commander, said, dissatisfied with her behavior. "You know that he did not cheat, Zaria, so I do not understand why you keep calling him a cheater."

The male didn't say a word and held out his hand for her to take so that he could help her stand. He was a better person than me because I would have left her ass on the ground and told her off, which he didn't do.

Zaria scoffed and rolled her eyes. She scowled and shoved the male's hand away while she stood. "Ya, whatever," she said, her voice filled with disgust.

"Go get yourself cleaned," Commander said. "Training is done for the day. It seems that our guest has arrived."

I shuffled on my feet and looked at Sergio to see him staring at me. I gave him a nervous look and grimaced when he smiled, silently telling me that I was all right.

Sergio pushed me gently into the room, and the people glanced at me before they looked at each other.

Zaria scoffed and rolled her eyes while she stared at me before she looked at Commander. "Ya, whatever," she said. She hopped off the stage of mats and walked away, shoving into my shoulder while she left.

I rolled my eyes, and it turned into a head roll, but I kept my mouth shut because I knew that if I didn't, then there would have been a fight between her and me, and I didn't want that... just yet.

The male called Commander scowled in her direction before he looked at me. He smiled, his green eyes looking so familiar to me that it made my heart ache. "Hello," he said and dipped his head in greeting. "I am Commander."

I looked at Sergio to see that he was staring at me. I didn't say a word and stared at him with a nervous look in my eyes.

Sergio smiled and nodded slowly. Worry filled his eyes, and he had no idea how to react to me being nervous about this male.

I looked at Commander again to see him staring at me with clear green eyes and offered him a hesitant smile. "I'm Cassidy," I said and did a small, hesitant wave. "Cassidy Lanchester, but I go by Cass."

Commander's smile quivered slightly, and a look of pain and guilt filled his eyes. He felt as if it was his fault for something, and for some reason, I didn't like him feeling guilty and as if something was his fault when it wasn't.

"I'm Thames," the male beside Commander said. He smiled and dipped his head while, in greeting, he walked over to me with his hand out for me to shake. "It's nice to meet you, Cass," he said.

I offered him a hesitant smile and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you, too," I said while he squeezed my hand, and I liked the comfort that he provided me in this strange place. I cleared my throat and looked at Commander before I offered him a hesitant smile while I took my hand out of Thames's hand. "It's... nice to meet you, too."

Commander smiled and nodded. "The pleasure is all mine," he said. He cleared his throat and walked over to me, and Thames moved back a step to give him some room. He held out his hand, and I shook his hand.

His touch was warm, gentle, and it felt so familiar to me that I wanted to cry and beg for forgiveness, even though I had no idea why.

Why did everything about him feel so familiar to me when I have never met him in my life?

I cleared my throat and took my hand out of his, even though all I wanted to was keep my hand in his and be a child again. "So, is this whole place yours?" I asked because I had no idea what else to say, and Commander nodded in confirmation and smiled.

"It is," he confirmed.

I nodded and looked around. I noticed that the place looked a heck a lot larger than it did on the outside because I could have sworn that the hallway was just as large as the building.

The walls to one side caught my eyes, and I stared at the weapons on it and enclosed in a wall of glass. One weapon, well, a set of weapons, in particular, caught my eye, and I couldn't help but start in that direction with my gaze locked on it.

"C-" someone said from behind me but was silenced while I walked over to the glass case.

I stopped in front of it and stared at the weapons that caught my eyes, and my hand twitched because I wanted to hold the smooth wooden pieces again.

The staffs were barely the size of my forearm, but I knew that they were much longer than that when they weren't pulled in. They also had a deadlier side to them, hidden by a thin yet sturdy piece of wood.

I reached out to touch the glass without thinking but stopped at the last second when I realized what I was doing and pulled my hand closer to my chest with a soft, startled gasp while I took a step back.

My whole body yearned for me to touch the glass, to accept a position that I had long forgotten but yearned to remember. I wanted to take the staffs in my hands and to use them again because I knew that they belonged to me.

I knew that I was the reincarnation of someone, but I had no idea who I was the reincarnation of, even though there was a small part that knew, especially since I had gotten these looks of sadness from people besides Commander.

However, I never sought the truth, for I didn't know if I wanted to know it or not. I had no idea what I would do if I remembered that I was this person and not who I thought I was.

Would that mean that this Case was a lie, or would it mean that I was to be a mixture of both myself and her?

I didn't want to lose myself, the person that I had made myself to be, but I couldn't help but want the life that the person I was reincarnated from and to explore those memories with an open mind.

What if I could find myself while I searched for those answers, or what if I couldn't?

I shook my head and grimaced while I took another step back and away from the glass and the weapons that called my name. I closed my eyes and ignored the feelings that washed over me, praying that they would soon settle and become dim until I was put into a position that called for me to explore them and learn.

Soon, I silently promised myself. I will find out soon, but for right now, I want just to be me. All I want to be is just Cassidy Anne and no one else.

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Where stories live. Discover now