Chapter 31

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I leaned against the back of the chair when I was finished with my food and bit back a groan, full to the brim. I looked at the timer and had a small tired smirk on my face when I saw that I had less than five minutes left on the clock and felt proud because I had beaten the clock like they wanted me to.

However, it sucked a bit because I couldn't stop and enjoy the cheese fries like I had wanted since I was being timed on how fast I could eat that food.

I wanted to, though; I had wanted to forfeit the competition as soon as I took a bite of those cheese fries because a wave of emotions had washed over me, almost choking me to the point where I couldn't breathe and continue.

What had happened to me had caused both Bill and Alessandra to panic and move towards me with a look that told me that they knew what was happening to me and why those fries affected me so much.

However, I had waved them off and continued to eat the food that was in front of me, pushing past my feelings to win the challenge.

The burger was the same way, but it wasn't as bad as the cheese fries, and I was sure it was because the cheese fries were linked to a memory, a memory of great pain and sorrow.

I knew that I would mull over why I felt like that when I was in private, but for right now, I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen next for me, even though I wasn't a fan of having my photos taken.

"Ok," Bill said and clapped his hands, and I flinched and looked at him because I had been about to fall asleep at the table with a full belly. He smiled, proud that I was able to complete the challenge even after the minor setback, and nodded. "Now it's time to have your picture taken with the timer." He dipped his head in a silent apology for startling me, and I offered him a small smile in return.

I wrinkled my nose in annoyance and pursed my lips while I bit back a groan. "Do I have to?" I asked and rubbed my stuffed belly. "Can't I get a free pass today? I would like to go home and nap."

Bill raised an eyebrow and gestured to the food that I had eaten as well as the food my parents ate. "Do you want this meal to be free?" he asked and raised the eyebrow higher while he gave me a pointed look.

"Technically, it already was," I replied and patted my belly while I gave him a small smirk. "Even without me having to complete this challenge."

Bill raised an eyebrow in question and cocked his head while he studied me. Something flickered through his eyes that I couldn't describe, and I pressed my lips into a thin line because I wanted to know what he wanted to know. "Who said that?" he asked. "I have never agreed to that."

"You didn't have to," I replied, deciding to bluff. "I can see it on your face. You weren't going to charge us this meal for some reason."

Bill cocked his head and studied me silently, not answering my bluff. He had this pondering look in his eyes as if he was trying to figure out why I was so confident that he wasn't going to charge us this meal. "Are you sure?" he asked, and I nodded in confirmation. "And how do you know this? How is it written on my face?"

I wrinkled my nose and shrugged. "I don't know," I replied honestly. "All I know is that you were planning to do it, and I think you had planned it when you saw me standing in front of the pictures."

Bill finally broke and chuckled while he nodded. "I wasn't going to charge you this meal even if you didn't compete in the challenge," he admitted, and I grinned, satisfied that I got half of the answer that I needed from him. "However, I would appreciate it if you did take a picture for me." He pouted and cocked his head, giving me a puppy dog look that didn't affect me at all. "Please?"

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