Chapter 35

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I sat on the wall again and waited for Bryson to appear while I sucked on a lollipop. I swung my legs back and forth while I waited, paying no heed to the people standing around, watching me and gossiping about me again.

"Hurry up, Bryson," I grumbled under my breath while I waited and kicked the wall in impatience. "Why does it take so long for you to get here? You're the one with a ride."

"Hey, New Kid!" someone exclaimed from somewhere to my left, and I didn't bother looking in their direction. "Hey! I am talking to you!"

Well, I am ignoring you, I thought and kept looking in the direction that the black car came from last time. I wonder how mad Charlie would be if I started a fight on my second day...

Crunch. I bit my lollipop until all of the sticky goodness was off the stick and started to gnaw on the sweet chewy chocolate that was left on it.

And the world will never know, I thought with a small smirk, because I, for one, am not going to wait that long to suck or lick until I get to it.

"Bitch! Are you smirking at me?" the male from my left asked with a slight growl in his voice while he came toward me. "I hope you aren't."

I held back an eye roll when I heard his threatening tone and had to bite back a snicker because that did not faze me one bit. Oh, goodie, I thought. Someone with an issue with their dick size.

"Cal," a female warned but didn't reach out to stop the still approaching male. "Don't. You know what he said. Remember? He sa-"

"I do not give a fuck about what he said, Yaz," the male snapped, interrupting her. "I don't give a damn because this bitch is going down."

Uh huh, I thought, still paying him no heed but making sure to be aware of where he was at as well as what was surrounding me. Good luck with that, Buddy. You're going to need it.

I made sure to make a mental note to ask about who "he" was and why this... Cal needed to remember what "he" had said to do or not to do. I could ask Bryson if I remember, I thought, waiting for Cal to make his move and not giving him a reaction.

The male growled softly when he didn't get a reaction from me while he continued to walk towards me, trying to make me feel like the prey, and he was the predator, which did not work out too well because I wasn't afraid of skanks like him. "Hey, Punk," he snapped. "Don't you hear me talking to you?"

Yes, but I am choosing to ignore you, I thought. I looked towards the road and saw a black car pulling into the school parking lot, and my heart sank.


SIlently, I stared at the car and silently sent a message to the inhabitants of the car, telling them to stay in and don't get out.

The car stopped in front of me again, but the door didn't open like I thought it would.

Tension hung in the air while most of the bystanders were looking at that car, and then Cal, who had totally ignored the car and had his gaze focused solely on me, burning a hole in the side of my face.

"What? Are you stupid?" Cal asked with a snap in his voice. "Don't you know that you are going to pay for smirking at me?"

Well, I wasn't even smirking at you, asshole, I thought and counted down the steps that he had remaining until he was on top of me. But whatever helps you sleep at night, Sweetie.

I pulled the stick out of my mouth and stuffed it into my bag pocket.

Again, the male growled and lunged toward me, but he met nothing but air while I twisted around and hopped off the wall with seconds to spare. He grunted when he ran into the wall before he quickly turned towards me with a look that could kill but didn't.

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