Chapter 79

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"Good afternoon, everyone," Mrs. Grey said, while she entered the classroom with Stacey following her and clutching books that were going to be our scripts later that school day. "How is everyone today?"

"Good," everyone said in unison, and I pressed my lips into a thin line because I was not good and was just ready to go to bed, even though I knew that I couldn't do it, yet.

"Good, good, good," Mrs. Grey said, thankfully oblivious that I hadn't said a word. "Are you all excited about the musical coming up?" she asked and raised an eyebrow in question, and everyone muttered in agreement, and this time, I agreed as well.

"Brilliant," Mrs. Grey said and gestured to Stacey, who offered us a hesitant smile and waved a little, clutching the scripts tighter to her chest. "Now, Stacey will be handing out the scripts for everyone as well as the schedules. Make sure that you put them in your actual calendars so that you don't be late or make sure not to schedule anything around that time."

"Ya, like Cass is going to do that," Claire said with a scoff and rolled her eyes. She folded her arms across her chest and scowled while she looked at me, and I grinned at her innocently. "She is going to be late every day or have to leave early every day, too. I mean, she didn't even look at the sheet until I gave it to her."

"Yes, but that is because it had been an interesting morning already, and it didn't cross my mind," I replied and shrugged while I grimaced, and Bryson nodded in agreement.

"And what happened?" Mrs. Grey asked while she looked between the two of us. She furrowed her brows and cocked her head while she stared at only me, pressing her lips into a thin line. "Is everything ok? Are you ok?"

I bit back a small snort before I slowly nodded in confirmation because I was ok. "Yes, Ma'am, I am ok," I said and looked at Bryson, raising an eyebrow in question, silently asking him if he wanted to tell her or me.

Bryson bit back a small smirk and gestured for me to tell them what happened, and I held back an eye roll but nodded with a small sigh of annoyance.

"So, there was this big angry thing roaring and growling near the woods while we were trying to do cross country practice, and everyone was scared at what it was and how close it was," I said and shrugged while I grimaced. "We had training indoors today. It was an interesting practice though, wasn't it?" I looked at Bryson when I said that and raised an eyebrow in question, and Bryson bit back a small snort and nodded in agreement.

"It was," Bryson confirmed. "And Mr. Brickson was late to class." He looked at me when he said that, and his eyes flashed gold as if he was trying to figure something out about me that I wouldn't let him.

I bit back a small snort and shook my head. "I have never seen him so disheveled as I did after the first bell when he ran into our classroom." I cleared my throat and shook my head again, biting back a small chuckle. "And he's been my teacher for years."

Bryson bit back a small chuckle and slowly nodded. He didn't say a word while he looked at me and then at our teacher, waiting for her to say or do something. His whole body was relaxed, but I had a feeling that he was nervous underneath that calm demeanor that he kept about him.

"Hmph." Mrs. Grey cleared her throat and shifted on her feet. She looked at Bryson and then looked at me before she looked at everyone else as a whole. "All right," she said and clapped her hand across her board, clearing her throat again. "Let's go ahead and get this set up so that we can get started with a small read through before I dismiss you all for the day." She paused and raised an eyebrow in question while she looked at us "Are there any days that no one can do?"

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