Chapter 21

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A/N: So, I am going to be working on this story for NaNoWriMo. Fingers are crossed that I can finish it before the end of the month.

Thanks for being patient with me.



I stopped at the entrance of the next room and stared, my mouth wide open, when I saw the familiar brown headed male that I had known all my life lifting some weights and chatting with someone that looked familiar too but not as much as the brown headed male did. "Mr. Brickson?" I asked, wanting to be a pain in the ass to this male. "What are you doing here?"

The male stopped doing his reps and closed his eyes. He sighed tiredly before he opened his eyes and glanced at me unamused before he started to continue with what he was doing. "We are not in class, Misa Lanchester," he said in a "bored" tone. "Must you always be a pain the ass?"

"Yes," I said and stared at him blankly. "Why would you ask that?"

Charlie didn't respond and shrugged. He looked at Commander and bowed his head in respect before he looked at me again.

I folded my arms across my chest and scowled, and he raised an eyebrow in question.

"Now, are you going to tell me the reason why you are here or not?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, mimicking him. "Or are you only going to ask me if I am always going to be a pain in the ass?"

Charlie smirked tiredly and dipped his head. "I train here," he said, finally, answering my question. "I do have a life outside of school; you do know that, right?" He cocked his head and studied me with a raised eyebrow.

I stared at him blankly, and he raised an eyebrow higher. "Nah, really?" I asked sarcastically. "I thought you liked to wear suits and ties for a living." I shook my head and tsked. "Damn, it looks like I was wrong."

Charlie shook his head and sighed, but I could tell that he was amused, even though he looked at me with a mock tired expression.

The male that he was talking to cleared his throat to hold back a chuckle and waved when I looked at him. "I'm Hank," he said and smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Lanchester."

I gasped in shock and offense and pointed at Hank, who stared at me with wide eyes because he had no idea what I was doing and surprised him. "Do you see what you started here?" I asked, and he raised an eyebrow. "He called me "Miss Lanchester," Charlie."

"But I don't know your name," Hank said with wide eyes, and I could tell that he was lying through his teeth. "So, of course, I will call you "Miss Lanchester" because that is what I have been introduced to you as."

I frowned and blinked slowly, letting him know that I did not believe a word that he said. "Do you want to change that statement?" I asked, and his face grew pale because of my tone of voice.

"Ummm..." He shifted on his feet and cleared his throat while he glanced at Commander, who shrugged and didn't say a word. He cleared his throat again, and I could tell that I was making him nervous, especially since no one else said a word.

I shook my head and folded my arms across my chest while I looked at Charlie, who looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Am I that scary?" I asked and nodded towards Hank. "He is the second male that is scared of me that I had met today alone."

"I am not scared of you," Sergio defended himself, and Charlie shrugged in response, amused.

I turned my gaze away from Hank and looked at Sergio, slowly grinning. I didn't say a word to him while I did that, but I didn't need to while I saw the look of fear appear on his face as if he expected me to do something to him.

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