Chapter 37

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I walked past Principal Warner and Cal, making sure to be close to Principal Warner instead of Cal, knowing full well that he would try something against me. I kept an eye on him while I walked past him, not trusting him one bit because I had a feeling that he'd try something while we were only in Principal Warner's and May's presence.

However, he didn't, and I breathed a small sigh of relief when I was fully in the office and away from him.

But I did pause midstep when I saw who was to be in the office with me, Principal Warner, and Vice Principal Triste. "Ch- Mr. Brickson, what are you doing here?" I asked, catching myself from saying "Charlie" in front of Vice Principal Triste.

Charlie pressed his lips into a thin line, but he didn't say a word because he knew that I would call him by his last name in front of other teachers or staff as a sign of respect, even though we both hated it.

"Please, sit, Miss Lanchester," Vice Principal Triste said, not letting Charlie speak and answer my question. She gestured to the seat across from them. "We shall answer your questions when Principal Warner comes in and also get your side of the events, too."

I hesitated but did what I was told to and sat down across from them. I was tense, nervous even because I had no idea what Cal had said, nor did I know if he lied or not.

It didn't help that Charlie was in here, too, and I knew that he would be able to tell if I was lying or hiding the truth from him because I had a hard time doing that in front of him because I cared about him, a lot.

Damn it, Cassandra, I thought, making sure to keep my face blank. Why do you have to care about him and be so bad at lying in front of him?

Charlie didn't say a word and glanced me over, making sure that I was uninjured and didn't need any medical attention.

After he made sure that I was fine and didn't have a scratch on me, he looked me in the eyes and raised an eyebrow in question, silently wondering what happened and what provoked him to attack me.

I subtly shook my head, barely noticeable to Vice Principal Triste, who was watching me with a curious gaze in her eyes, and looked at Charlie to see if he understood my meaning or not.

Subtly, Charlie nodded but made sure that Vice Principal Triste didn't see it. He stayed silent and shifted in his seat while he waited for Principal Warner to enter back into the room so that we could have this meeting.

Vice Principal Triste cleared her throat, and I looked at her. She smiled at me, but it didn't reach her guarded eyes that seemed to look into my soul. "How are you, Dear?" she asked, and there was something in her voice that had me perk up with interest.

There was a spell in it, I think, something that compelled me to tell her the truth and nothing but the truth.

She's not human either, I silently realized while I dismissed the spell, not feeling its entanglement or work.

The use of the spell didn't go unnoticed by Charlie, and he was about to look at her and warn her not to use it when he caught my subtle hand gesture to leave it be. Instead, Charlie looked at me and studied me with a critical gaze, trying to see if I was under her spell or not.

Vice Principal Triste raised an eyebrow when I didn't answer her question. "Well?" she asked with the musical tone in her voice. "How are you?"

I shrugged, deciding to half play along with it because there were some things that I didn't mind mentioning where there were other things that I did. "I've been better," I admitted truthfully. "I am missing my friends where I used to live and still don't understand the reason why I had to move over here."

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