Chapter 20

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Commander cleared his throat and looked away from me. He shifted on his feet, and I had a feeling that this was hard on him, harder on him than it was on Sergio, even though I had a feeling that I had known both of them at the same time. "Follow me," he said and gestured for me to go in the direction he wanted me to go in.

I smiled and nodded before I looked at Thames. "It was nice meeting you, Thames," I said, having a feeling that Sergio would trail after us even if Commander didn't want him to.

Thames smiled and bowed his head. "It was nice meeting you, too, Cass," he said. He glanced at Sergio and grinned mischievously before he looked at me and winked, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in question. "If you can scare them, then do so," he said, "especially Sergio and another male named Hank, who you'll meet later on." He ignored Sergio's scoff, and his grin grew wider.

I grinned and tucked my chin closer to my chest, harmless fun things playing out in my mind to scare and torture the two men that Thames had suggested. I didn't say a word while I thought about the plans that I could do to create the men to become scared.

"Cass?" Sergio asked nervously, and his voice quivered. He caught my look and knew that I was planning something but didn't know when nor what it could be.

I ignored his questioning and looked at Commander, who looked amused and slightly sad. "I like him," I said, pointing at Thames, who raised an eyebrow in question. "Can I keep him?"

Commander smiled sadly and shook his head. "Unfortunately, Cass, you can't keep people," he said, and I frowned because I didn't like his answer.

I folded my arms across my chest and pouted. "Well, that's stupid," I said and pursed my lips in disgust before I frowned again. I raised an eyebrow in question and looked at the two of them before I fully looked at Commander. "Who says?"

"The government."

My frown deepened, and I folded my arms closer across my chest. "Well, that sucks," I said, upset that I couldn't keep him.

"What would you do with him if you were allowed to keep him?" Sergio asked before he cringed because he didn't want to know the answer.

I shrugged and grimaced, deciding to ignore the cringe. "Torture you," I replied and shrugged again while his eyes grew wide. I grinned and stared at him. "I mean, I am pretty sure that we can find something to do to mentally torture you."

Sergio's face grew white as snow, and he looked between Commander and me while he stayed silent. He was afraid, and I had a feeling that he would be shitting his pants right now while waiting for Commander's reaction and hoping that he would save him.

"You can't scare him so that he can't do his job, Cassidy Anne," Commander said in a tone that I was all too familiar with, even though it was the first time that I heard him use it. He gave me a pointed look, and I grinned at him innocently.

He tried to keep a straight face, but a small smile broke out on his face, and he shook his head at my innocent look because he knew that I was far from innocent.

"Oh, I know," I said and shrugged indifferently, "but that doesn't mean he won't be an easy target." I flashed Sergio a small smirk and a wink, and his eyes grew wide while he turned to Commander.

"Sir!" Sergio exclaimed, and his eyes grew wider while fear for his life filled them. He looked at me nervously before he looked at Commander.

Commander shrugged and bit back a small smirk while he cleared his throat and grew serious. He was amused at Sergio's behavior, but he was going to let me have my fun, even though he had to be serious and in control. "Now, now," he said. "There is no need for that." He looked at me and grew stern. "Swear that you won't do anything that will scare him enough so that he can't do his job," he said, silencing Sergio with a single lift of a finger while he kept his gaze on me.

Instinctively, I lifted my right hand and made it into a fist while I looked at Sergio. "I give you the Guardsmen Oath that I will not scare you enough so that you can't do your job," I said, and I felt the oath tightening over me.

I wasn't afraid of what I had done with the tightening of the oath. I knew what I was doing, how to be vague with my answers so that I could mess with him but not enough to scare him and get hurt by it.

Sergio and Thames looked at each other with wide eyes and then at Commander, who studied me with a critical gaze, trying to see what I knew and what I didn't.

"Do you know what you had said?" he asked while I let my hand fall to my side. He wasn't accusing nor warning me that I had done something else. He wanted to make sure that I knew what it meant and what I could or could not do.

I nodded in confirmation and cleared my throat, feeling uncomfortable and silently wondering why they were looking at me like that. "I do," I confirmed, deciding to question them later. "I know what I had done, too."

Commander studied me before he nodded. "Ok," he said. He didn't ask me to say what I had done. He knew that I knew it. How I knew it, he didn't know, but he knew that I knew it, and frankly, I didn't know either.

"S-" Sergio closed his mouth when Commander raised his hand. Worry and fear filled his eyes, and he pressed his lips into a thin line while he kept silent.

He looked between Commander and me and stayed silent, not knowing what to say. He was afraid that what I had done could potentially kill me, even though it was hard to kill me, and even I knew that.

"Come," Commander said and gestured for me to follow him while he changed the subject. "Let's get started with the tour, shall we?" He raised an eyebrow in question and cocked his head while he waited for me to answer him.

I nodded and started to follow Commander when he started to walk away while Sergio and Thames watched me. I paused and looked at Sergio, raising an eyebrow, and Commander stopped and waited for us. "Coming?" I asked and raised the eyebrow further.

Sergio blinked and blinked again, trying to comprehend what was going on. "Uh... ya, ya, of course," he said and nodded. He cleared his throat and jogged to catch up with us since we were close to leaving the room.

I turned around when Sergio made it to our side, on the other side of Commander, and grinned, amused. "Bye, Thames!" I exclaimed and waved. "I'll see you later."

Thames smiled and did a little wave goodbye. "Later," he said.

I grinned and turned around, following two men that I sorta knew but sorta didn't, excited and a little nervous about what the future held for me because I knew that they were going to be a huge part of it.

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