Chapter 58

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The rest of the school day went by fairly quickly with no incidents or being sent to the principal's office.

I still hadn't opened up that much to others, and I kept quiet for most of my classes, not wanting to interact with anyone new, especially since a little more people started to glare at me and make me feel like I didn't belong, which sucked but something that I could handle.

I was grateful when it was time for tryouts, for it was time for me to shine, a place where I was in my element, running through the woods with nothing but the sound of the wind and pounding feet of others.

I couldn't wait to run, to explore a different path than the path behind my house, and it was a feeling that I was happy to share with others.

Bryson, Yaz, Grayson, Gracie, and unfortunately Cal were also doing tryouts with me.

The others of the group weren't much runners, and I had a feeling that they had different sports that they normally did rather than this.

"Ok," the coach, Coach Myers, said, tapping the clipboard with his pen, breaking me from my thoughts. He cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. "I hope that all of you are warmed up because we are now going to start with long distance training."

He paused and looked at us, making sure that we were paying attention to him. "This will help us judge where you are and what exercises will fit your needs."

Again, he paused and looked at us again before he looked specifically at me for some reason. "This is also to see who can keep up and who should decide to quit before we start working out for real."

"Ya, Cass," Grayson said teasingly while he winked, "go ahead and quit before you make a fool out of yourself."

I looked at him and slowly grinned, not saying a word. My whole body was relaxed, and I wasn't "much" of a threat to him, but that didn't mean I couldn't be a threat.

Grayson's face grew pale, and he quickly looked away while he cleared his throat. His cheeks turned red, and I could tell that I made him nervous.

"Moving on," Coach Myers said and cleared his throat to hide a chuckle before he looked at someone else. "If you think that you won't be here on time in the morning, then you should also leave. Training will be at five starting tomorrow.

It is not required, but it is recommended that you train even on weekends when we do not have a competition. You do not have to have a hard workout, but you have to at least do something productive." Again, he looked at me for some reason.

I didn't respond and stared at him. I had no idea why he kept looking at me with these things, especially since there were some freshmen in the class, some of them looking like they didn't want to be here at all but were because of their parents.

Coach Myers cleared his throat and looked away from me, pressing his lips into a thin line. Subtly he bowed his head and showed me his neck, in submission and I raised an eyebrow in question but didn't say a word.

Was he a Werewolf? I silently wondered and cocked my head while I stared at him, making sure to keep my face blank. Or was he something else? And if so, what?

"All right," the other coach, Coach Mallory, said and clapped her hands, and I turned my attention to her. "Let's get started. If all of you want to line up here, then we can start. There will be no fighting unless you want to get sent to the principal's office. Is that understood?" She looked at me.

I didn't respond but nodded, making sure to keep a small smirk off my face while I walked to the starting line.

I wasn't going to be the first to start a fight, but I'd be damned if Cal was going to try something and I didn't react.

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