Chapter 46

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A/N: I promise. I am working on this story. However, I have been working on others more. If you want me to update this before I actually do, feel free to tell me to update, but please give me about three days to do so.




"Mom? Dad? I'm home," I called out while I shut the door behind me, home from my walk from school. "Did you miss me?"

My mother came out from the kitchen with a smile on her face, but this one was forced. Her eyes were filled with worry and nervousness, as if she didn't know how well I'd react to the news that she had behind her back. "Always, my Dear," she said. "How was school?"

I shrugged and dropped my bag next to the door, knowing full well that I'd grab it after I changed into some running clothes. "School is school," I replied with a grimace. "What are you hiding behind your back?" I skipped the formalities and what I would normally say, my focus on the thing that she was trying to hide.

"It's... uh..." She sighed and looked down while she produced a letter from behind her back and held it out towards me. "It's a letter from Julliard."

I stilled, and my face grew pale. My heart started to pound in my chest while I looked at the letter, and sweat beaded down my forehead. "What?" I asked, my voice breathless as it was hard for me to breathe. "What did you say?"

"It's a letter from Julliard, Cass," she said again. "I think you should open it and read what it has t-"

"How did they get our new address?" I asked, interrupting her. My stomach turned, and I felt sick. "I didn't tell them that we had moved."

Mom dipped her head closer to her chest and looked down at the floor. "That's because I did," she said softly. "I updated your information with Julliard so that they knew where you were going to be lodging now."

My mouth went dry. "Why?" I asked, even though I could barely get that word out while my voice cracked. "Why did you update my information?"

"Because I know how much you love to dance," Mom said, "and act and sing, and I thought that this would be a great college for you to focus on your skills, grow, and hopefully land yourself a great job doing something that you love."

I shook my head no. "But that is also the school that I went to when Kayla needed my help," I said. "I will not open it. I can not open it. I can not go back there, not after everything that has happened." I silently cursed myself when my voice shook at the end.

Mom sighed and looked at me, her eyes growing softer. "Cass, please," she said softly. "It's not your fault what happened to Kayla. Please, don't think that it was."

I shook my head, and my bottom lip quivered while tears started to prick at the corner of my eyes. "But I could have stopped it," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "If I had known or had been there, then Treble wouldn't have gotten his grimy hands on her. H-" I shook my head again and took a deep, shuddering breath.

A wave of guilt filled my body, and I hugged myself while I tucked my chin to my chest.

I could have prevented something that happened to one of my best friends...

But I wasn't; I wasn't there. I couldn't protect her from him, even though I knew that he was trouble. I knew that he hated me and knew that the best way to get to me was to harm my best friends.

Why he chose Kayla, I didn't know, but it left a sour taste in my mouth. It had me craving his blood, to seek more vengeance against him when I thought about it, not caring about the risks that came with it.

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