Chapter 60

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"Are you cupcakes ready for another day of training?" Coach Myers asked while he clapped his hand against his clipboard. "Or is it too early for you?"

I glanced at the other people gathered and saw about half looking exhausted and tired while the other half were awake and ready to go on a run, me included.

There were a few people that groaned while they slouched forward. They didn't want to go on for a run, but I was; I always wanted to run.

"We're going to do another three mile run today and then some basic strength work to help your pretty little legs."

"Think you can handle that, Cass?" Grayson asked and nudged my arm, teasingly. "Or does the princess need more sleep?"

"I've been up since either two or three in the morning," I said and gave him a weird look. "I already ran this morning before I even got here."

"Good, that means you should be more awake than the others," Coach Myers said. He cleared his throat and looked at me before he looked at his clipboard. "Right," he said and tapped it again. "Now, all you have to do now is start, so everyone line up at the starting line please and then we'll begin."

We did what we were told to do and lined up on the starting line.

I was near the back of the group like I had done yesterday, and Cal was near the back too. I ignored him and offered Bryson an impish grin when he looked at the two of us, indicating that I was going to be fine.

Cal ignored Bryson and didn't say a word to me. He set his jaw, and I had a feeling that he was going to try something today, even though he knew that it could end badly for him from both me and his pack.

I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore them while I waited for Coach Myers to start the clock or whatever he used so that we could start the course.

All I wanted to do was get this bull shit over with so that I could finally get some peace and quiet and not have to watch my back every so often for a dick that wanted to "put me in my place," whatever the bell that meant.

"All right, get on your marks," Coach Myers said and held up his hand, and we waited for him to tell us to go, each one of us wanting to get something done and some of us quicker than us. "Now, go." He moved his hand lower, sending us off.

And with that, we were off, and I made sure that I was in the back of the pack, waiting for Cal to make his move and attack me like he wanted to since I had "made fun of him" that day in front of the school and all of his peers.

Let's see how'd he treat me when he knew that I wasn't someone that should be messed with.

Hopefully, he'd learn quickly that I was not someone to be messed with, especially since I was hiding a lot more than he thought possible.

Some of which he was going to find out sooner rather than later...


I ran at the end of the group, waiting for Cal to do something, anything that would show me how much of an ass he was. I had lost sight of him, but I wasn't worried, knowing full well that he would pop up soon.

I kept my wits around me and waited for him to appear from wherever he hid himself.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long because as soon as I was past a certain point, Cal jumped from behind a bush and tried to attack me.

However, I saw him coming and instantly dodged his attack, rolling out of the way and leaping back onto my feet.

Cal hopped up from where he stumbled and growled angrily. His eyes seemed to shift into a different form, for some reason, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Anger caused his eyes to look super dark, and I had a slight feeling that he wasn't fully in control over his emotions and was letting the anger get to him.

"Did you just growl?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "You seriously need to get that checked out if you did. Also, why are your eyes changing colors and shape? Do you have a super duper power that makes it happen?"

"Shut up," Cal growled and bared his teeth in warning. He took a threatening step toward me, and I held back an eye roll "How dare you make me look like a fucking idiot."

I barked out laughing and shook my head, amused. "Honey, that was all on you," I said. "I had nothing to do with it.*

"You did too!" he exclaimed. "And now you are going to pay!"

"With what?" I asked and folded my arms across my chest while I jutted out a hip and raised an eyebrow. "My life? Sweetheart, I have been training since I could walk. I am pretty sure that I can take you out with my eyes closed."

Cal growled again and narrowed his eyes, and hatred flashed through them. He didn't say another word and attacked me, and I dodged his attack and landed a kick on his back, hard enough to get him on his hands and knees, facing away from me.

I stayed where I was at and watched as he stood and twisted around me. I made sure that my face was void of any emotion while I stared at him, waiting for him to attack or do something so that I could kick his ass.

"You bitch," he snarled and turned towards me again.

I shrugged, nonchalant, not fazed that he called me that. "I've been called worse, so nice try," I said, and he growled again.

Cal decided to attack me again, and instead of dodging away like I had done the last time, I simply grabbed his hand when he threw a punch at me. His eyes grew wide when I stopped his punch and held his hand with a strength that matched his own, and he tried to pull away but couldn't.

I looked at him and sneered, not even caring that my eyes turned gold. "What?" I sneered and grinned, and his eyes grew wider while his face turned pale. "Surprised? You should be because I have a hell of a lot more where that came from, Bitch."

Cal growled and tried to attack me with his other hand, but I merely swiped his hand away while I shoved him back a few steps. "You are the bitch," he snarled, gaining control over his fear. "And I will prove it for all to see."

I bit back a snort and gave him the signal for him to "bring it," and waited for him to attack. I didn't care if there were tree people watching me or not, knowing full well that they wouldn't interfere and would make sure that others didn't interfere either because this was going to happen one way or another.

Cal growled one last time before he attacked me, and I met him head on, using all of the anger and the pain and the fear that I felt as fuel while I kicked his ass and put him through his paces, not giving him the chance to get up and fight like he wanted to.

And so, it wasn't long until he ended up on the ground with my hand around his throat and the other hand posed to punch him in the face and knock him out.

His eyes grew wide, and he finally realized that I was not someone to mess with, especially since I had met him with the same strength and speed that he had. His heart pounded hard in his chest, and fear emitted from his pores, and I took it all in while I stared at him and his broken nose.

I wanted to knock him out, the vengeance in me wanting to break every single bone in his body and make him feel the pain that I did. However, I didn't; I couldn't because I had promised that he wouldn't be as badly injured as Treble had been when I fought him.

So, instead, I punched the ground next to his head, and he flinched and closed his eyes. "Submit," I growled and bared my teeth while I squeezed his throat a little tighter. "Now."

Cal submitted with no fight left in him, and I relaxed my grip around his throat slightly. "I submit," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Do not attack me ever again. Understood?" I asked, and he nodded. "And do not tell anyone about my eyes. If you do, then I will forget that you are an innocent and kill you. Is. That. Understood?"

Cal nodded again. "Yes," he replied.

"Hmph." I nodded and let go of him while I stood, my whole body aching from the punches and kicks I had received from him. "Let your nose and body heal up before you join the group," I warned while I bared my teeth. "Do not tell anyone about this unless you want something bad to happen to you."

And with that, I left to get myself cleaned up in the showers, not letting him say another word.

Thank, Goddess that was finally done...

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora