Chapter 61

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"Cass?" someone asked while I was taking a shower and getting the dirt and blood off of my body. "Are you in here?"

I paused from cleaning a deep cut on my back with stuff that would heal it faster and looked at the curtain with wide eyes while blood dripped from my back and down my legs into the drain below.


"Cass?" the same person asked again, walking towards the shower area where I was located. Nervousness filled their voice, and I had a feeling that they could tell that something was wrong with me. "Seriously, are you here? It's me, Yaz."

"I'm fine," I said quickly, hoping that she wouldn't come any further to see the damage Cal had caused. "I know that I should have said something to the coaches before I left, but I had been feeling sick and needed to go to the bathroom asap."

Yaz stopped before she reached the bathroom area, and I held my breath while I waited for her to say something.

My heart pounded hard in my chest, and I had a feeling that she could hear it from wherever she stood. I prayed that she would leave soon so that I could finish taking care of my wound before I had to leave class, but I had no idea when she would.

"Are you bleeding?" she asked, and I knew that me lying wouldn't work because she could smell it.

"I fell while I was making my way to the bathroom," I said instead, "and somehow ended up falling and scratching my back. It'll be fine in a bit. It's not bleeding that bad, and I've had worse injuries than this."

"Un huh." She didn't believe that I had fallen but instead was attacked by someone that we both knew. "Well, I guess Cal had fallen too because he looked to be roughed up a bit too. The coaches were going to say something to the principal, but they did not because he had said he had fallen."

I bit back a small sigh of relief, glad that the principal wasn't going to be involved, hopefully. I had no idea what theories were going to come from this and prayed that no one would dive too deep into it because I did not want them to find out that I had gold eyes.

Yaz cleared her throat, and I had a feeling that she shifted on her feet. "Between you and me, did the ground win?" she asked, and I had a feeling that she raised an eyebrow.

"It was close to," I replied honestly. "However, I had gotten lucky and only ended up with a few scratches and bruises."

"Good," Yaz said. She cleared her throat again and shifted on her feet. "Are there going to be any more fights with the ground?"

'Were there going to be any more fights with my brother?' That was what she wanted to ask but didn't. She wanted to know if she had to come up with something if there were going to be weekly fights like this, and I hoped that there wouldn't be.

"I hope not," I replied. "However, if there are, then I will make sure that they aren't on school property again so that they can't be used against us."

I could feel Yaz's body sag with relief, and she breathed a sigh of relief while she nodded. "Good," she said. "Now, continue taking care of your back so that you can be in class on time. Coach Myers said that you'll be doing extra tomorrow and for you to be prepared to do it."

I bit back a snort and nodded while I rolled my eyes and scowled. "I am," I said. "I'm always prepared to do extra if needed. I'll see you in class."

"Ok, bye."

And with that, she left, and I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed ever so slightly.

Goddess, I prayed, please, let this be the only time that I had to fight Cal to prove my worth. Please.

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