Chapter 1

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Athanasia woke up. She was in a different place or she was an entirely different person. She was in a  baby's body to be exact. I sway my arms in the air and check my surroundings. It looks medieval and I see people cosplaying as maids. Someone was holding me in their arms.

Shit what the hell is happening

The maids heard her moving around

Lily holds the child closer to her.

"Are you alright princess?"

My eyes widened. Isn't that Lily. I stan her, she's like my favorite character.


Translate: I'm fine, just confused.

Lily giggles and reaches her arms to me.

If Lily is here then am I in the "Lovely Princess" or "Who Made Me a Princess"? In my world, there was magic and technology. I was the heir to a company and before I could take my position I was assassinated. I must've reincarnated. I read the manhwa and the novel's storyline.

Lily started feeding me milk.

I'm glad I don't have to breastfeed.

Let me think of the important characters. I'm gonna have to categorize them into two different groups.

Lp!Claude: Asshole

Claude: Tsundere

Lp!Jenette: Bitch, Naive

Jenette: Naive, kind

Lp!Lillian: mother figure

Lillian: mother figure

Lp!Roger: ambiguous, clever

Roger: ambiguous, clever

Lp!Ijekiel: Love interest, kind, smart, and fiance of Jenette

Ijekiel: Love interest, kind, smart

Lp!Lucas: master of the black tower

Lucas: Love interest, Narcissistic, master of the black tower, has a love interest of Aeternitas de Alger Obelia(he may doubt but we know ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ)

Lp!Diana: Goddess

Diana: Goddess, she got good genes

Lp!Anastacius de Alger Obelia: he killed his brother

Anastacius de Alger Obelia: He still tries to steal the throne

Lp!Felix: Crimson Blood Knight

Felix: Softy

That's the majority of the characters I paid attention to. It's pretty obvious which route I want. For the love interest, I'm gonna try to ignore them. If I survive past 18 then maybe I'll try dating. I'm still a baby with no need for lovers. As soon as I can walk I should try and see Claud. The sooner the better, right?

This world honestly sucks, the magic is so limited here and there is no technology. NO GOOGLE!!! NO YOUTUBE!!! How do people go on with their lives here? I'm a child that can only move around. How do children go on with their lives. It's so boring. 

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