Chapter 16

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Lucas POV:

I didn't know how to feel. The chimera, the bitch, tried to assassinate Athanasia three times in one night. The poisoned food, the assassin, and finally, trying to charge Athy with a knife. I couldn't move fast enough, couldn't warn Sia about the black magic. I scowled silently.

Currently, Athanasia was in a deep coma. Her body laid in her room, looking ethereal. Her blonde, wavy hair was strewn across the bedding, her body laid in a way that made it look like she was asleep. If it weren't for the tears threatening to form in her eyes, I would have thought the coma was peaceful.

But, due to the looks of pain on her face, I'm guessing that's very much not the case. I just wish I could help...

I paused, before facepalming. I could help! I have magic!

Pulling out a paper, I wrote a small spell on it before placing it on Sia's forehead. Her eyes were beaded with tears, threatening to fall down her face. Her lip quivering, sniffling. Kissing her hand, I closed my eyes, willing my mind to conjoin with hers.

In an instant, I was overwhelmed with memories. Some of which Lucas didn't recognize.

It started with Athanasia looking up at her father, in a small garden. It was nighttime, but lights filled the scene. A party, maybe? An overwhelming feeling of curiosity filled Lucas. Is this Sia's emotions?

I blushed. This felt way too personal.

The scene shifted, and suddenly we were at the debutante. Instead of Athanasia of attention, with me at her side, it showed the chimera bowing before the king. An overwhelming dread choked at me, so suffocating I almost fell to the ground. What the hell? This didn't happen?

And suddenly, Athanasia was being executed. Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear.

A whirlwind, and suddenly I was on a brick street, begging for money. I watched as Sia begged for just a penny, and watched as everyone glared hatefully at her before turning away. Once again, it was nighttime, yet light flooded my vision. I could have mistaken it for day, had I not seen the stars.

Everything went topsy turvy again, and I was sobbing in an alleyway. From what I could see, Athanasia was wearing rags. Pain. Sadness. Fear. Rejection. These feelings were mixed all together, creating a tidal wave of dread.

And suddenly? He was in a training area. A man stood behind him- her? And I watched as Athanasia conducted some of the most powerful attacks I've ever seen. Is this why she had a shinsu? Why she was able to create a device he had never seen before? I flinched, feeling a wave of soreness and stiffness overcoming my body. Athanasia was wearing an uncomfortable leather suit, along with some really thick fabric. Was she being trained, like some dog?

That would explain why she hates Ijekiel so much.

Next, I was in front of a crowd, wearing a tight bodice and satin skirt. I winced, the bodice hurt. Athanasia seemed to agree, as she was feeling really, really annoyed in this moment. Yet she smiled anyway.


In front of me was a still body, in my hands a dagger. Did Athanasia kill somebody? If she did, she certainly didn't like it. I didn't even need to sense her emotions to be able to tell that she didn't like this. A hand was placed on Athanasia's shoulder. Turning her head, there stood a man that looked a lot like Sir Rogers. He radiated the same aura too, slimy and disgusting. A crooked smile grew on the man's face. "Good job, child."


I was on the floor, blood leaking rapidly from my chest, spilling and tainting the floor. Athanasia looked up at her murderer, and I was horrified at the rush of happiness and relief coming from her. "Thank you."

Now? I was in a crib. In the Ruby Palace. Was this her current life?

Most of her life it seems, Athanasia was bored.

And then I was in front of her. She felt nothing, during our first encounter. The only thing she felt was annoyance.

Well that kinda stings.

And then a sharp pain flared up in her shoulder blade, causing both of us surprise. Before, I could only get a grasp of her emotions. But at this moment? I could hear whatever she was thinking clearly, as if we were one. It was kinda creepy to be honest.

And then from then on, her world was full of color. Everything was vivid, especially every moment we were together. I'm flattered.

The debut was the brightest, next to when we officially got together.

And then the emperor's birthday. Suddenly, I could no longer hear what she was thinking. All I felt was panic.

Pitch black. Was this where the black magic was? Looking forward, I saw a lady that resembled Sia holding Athanasia. I blinked. Athanasia.

I reached out my hand. "SIA! PLEASE! COME TO ME! WAKE UP!"

I pushed against the magic with everything I had. It was like walking through quicksand. It felt insufferable, but I had to keep moving. "PLEASE!"

Sia turned her body towards me. "ATHANASIA!"

I watched as she reached out her hand slowly turning to butterflies, and suddenly I was back in reality.

Did I do it?

I watched Athanasia's face for a moment, all hope shattering. She wasn't awake..

I closed my eyes. This really sucked. I suspected Emerald would be at the party, but the fact that Athanasia was like this..


Eyes shooting open, I stared into a pair of cerulean, jeweled eyes. Athanasia smiled tiredly, yawning a bit. "Good morning."

"It's not morning-" 



Thank you Editor-San!! @PastelStxrs_ (You have been revealed-)

I didn't get to do as much as I wanted to, so thank you for writing most of it.

Lucas being a simple-minded person...

'HOLY SHIT' is his only reaction smh

Word Count: 953

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