Chapter 12

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Jennette POV

Jennette was fuming. Ijekiel went and approached the princess like an idiot. Uncle's plan could have failed.

Currently, I'm in the courtyard of the Emerald Palace. Out of courtesy, I'm assuming, the princess invited everyone over for a tea party. I left as soon as I could. All the girls were blabbing about boys. They were also talking about Ijekiel in front of me.

Those bitches, talking about my man in front of me!

My fairy tale was already laid out in front of me. I was going to be the princess, and Ijekiel, my prince. Although it has grown a bit more complicated, I know Uncle will be there for me.

I looked up, suddenly realizing I had no idea where I was. There were no guards around, and-

"Who are you supposed to be?" A cold voice came from behind me.

I froze. Turning, I saw him.

Claude. The current ruler. My father.

"I.." Ijekiel has already broken the rules, why can't I? "My name is Jennette, and I am the daughter of [forgot the Bitches name], your daughter."

I tried to sound confident, keeping the quiver of fear from my voice.

I expected some sort of reaction. Surprise, maybe? Shock? But what I received was a cold, hard glare.

"That vile woman?" He spat. "She was originally my spouse, yet the spoiled bitch couldn't settle for the second son. So she fucked my brother."

Jennette was shocked, but he wasn't done. "The worst part is my brother welcomed her into his bed. You are not my daughter."

"B-But Uncle said.."

"Oh hush." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I don't understand what delusion you're under, but whatever your Uncle told you was lies. You're lucky your Athanasia's guest, or I would have Felix slaughter you on sight. Get out of my face."

Whimpering, Jennette turned and fled. She's one hundred percent confident she just fucked up Uncle's plan.

She quietly sat down at the tea table. She couldn't hear anything.

Fear was overwhelming her. If Uncle found out.. this might as well be her last moment.

Grabbing a teacup, she took a sip. She might as well enjoy her last moments.

A few hours later, Jennette was home and in her room. She was stroking a doll, terrified, when Ijekiel knocked and entered her room. "Ijekiel?"

"Hello, Jennette." He sounded oddly down.

"Is something the matter?"

"The princess has a lover."

I was puzzled. Why would he be sad about that? Unless...

Holy shit. My spouse-to-be is in love with someone taken. My (not) sister. My prince was in love with a princess in another castle. No wonder he was trying to defend her when Uncle was scolding me.

"Uh.." What was I supposed to say? "Sucks for you, I guess?"

Ijekiel glared at me, before returning to his moping. Jennette was annoyed. "If you're gonna be depressed, could you be depressed in your room? I'm dealing with my own stuff right now."

I was dealing with my own issues. I was dealing with fear while he was dealing with depression. They were two separate things. I don't have time to deal with his shit. Where was he when I needed him the most? Now he comes running to me because he was rejected. He wasn't even supposed to love her, he knew he was literally engaged to me from the beginning. He should've known his love for her wasn't going to end well. He must've really loved her to disobey his father.

When Ijekiel leaves my room, I go back to my problems. What did he mean? Was I really not his child? It's fine I can still take the crown as his niece.

I never liked studying. But I would have too, for this.

I needed to kill my sister. 

She was in the way of our plans. She is our competition. With her out of the way, I would be the only heir to the throne. His majesty will have no other choice, but to make me crown princess.

Killing her should be easy. She was just a weak princess. She knew nothing about her surroundings since she is a sheltered princess. I could hire assassins. I could hire a maid to poison her tea or better yet, I could kill her with my own hands.

Little did she know that there were butterflies outside her window listening and reading her mind like an open book. 


Lol, Ijekiel looking for some comforting.  Everyone doesn't seem to listen to Roger anymore. Jennette is a dumbass. She seems to understand romance tho - Author Chan

The Bitch Is going to fail miserably - Editor San


WMMAP!Jennette : what do you do in your free time?

IT!Jennette : *plot murder*.

WMMAP!Jennette : oh.. I like dolls...


Part 1 of: ~Welcome to Author Chan's therapy session.~

Ijekiel: I'm suffering from depression.

Roger: I-I can't even talk to the royal family due to fear and trauma.

Jennette: I'm frightened by my family.

Claude: I have severe memory loss.

Lucas: Nothing is wrong with me. Sia told me to come here for some reason.

Author Chan: *Takes note* Uh... you all came to the right place. I'm gonna guess your problems real quick. Ijekiel suffering from heartbreak. Roger suffering from how scary the royal family is and the trauma from an eight-year-old. Jennette just has a family full of monsters. Claude is using black magic.  Lucas is full of himself again, no wonder Athy sent you here. Tsk Tsk

For our next session, we will be having another guest joining us.

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