Chapter 73/220: Love Stories

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Late but we really wanted to update no matter what! Enjoy, vote, and comment!


The look on Violetta Ellington Conway's face resulting from my latest statement brought my thoughts to the exact reason of why I decided to confront her with what I knew.

And that was a couple of statements I'd overheard between Trevor Ellington Conway and his son during their encounter earlier.

'I thought we'd agreed you'd cut off your involvement with the matters regarding that secretary, Alexander?' The Chairman had asked his son in reference to yours truly.

'Si. I was not in Tottenham for any matters in relation to Charlotte Thorne, Padre.' His majesty had retorted coolly, without a single flinch. 'Van Darco had previously threatened my business and I wished to keep him under surveillance.'

The Chairman here had his steel slits darken at the name. 'Ah. But Van Darco is a partner of mine. If the matter had not involved that woman, he had no reason to attack your vehicle, do you not think so?' He smoothly disclosed, every word dripping tons of threat and mercilessness.

'Father.' The president's retort came in the form of a threatening tone at this.

'I do not believe the assault was aimed at me.'

To this, the Chairman had not commented, as his brutally cold features let a silhouette that resembled stun to cross them.

'But I have no profound evidence to prove my claim so far.' R.E.C. followed up his earlier phrase. 'I simply can assure you the assault was unrelated to my previous involvement in the Thorne family matters.'

And their conversation had drifted away from the main topic after that.

Which is when I decided I needed to confront the younger Ellington as soon as possible.

Because I knew Rickard Ellington's phrase about believing the assault was not aimed at him...

Was not random.

No. Nothing was random when it came to this human.

His phrase...

It was rather the tip of a thread that would lead him to eventually uncover the double life his sister been leading since I don't know when.

And even though it did not concern me...

I somehow could not just stand back and watch.

Maybe because I was curious.

Maybe because I wanted to correlate what was going on with her to the reason she looked like she hated the world.

Or maybe simply...

Because I empathised with the idea of her tough love.

The woman before me shifted at this, cutting off my chain of thoughts.

As she pulled me inside while pressing something I recognized so well against my stomach.

I shuddered, feeling the outline of her revolver threatening to blow up my intestines.

What the... hell???

How the hell did she sneak in such an item into her father's estate?!

And the hell she...

She was only nineteen!!

How did she possess this?!?!

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