Chapter 49/196: Puzzle Pieces Fall in Place

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I had expected several scenarios of reactions coming from my robot master Rickard Ellington Conway as I stepped into his room following his operation.

I had expected him to be attempting to wear his suit in order to head to work tomorrow, while complaining about the wrinkles.

I had expected he'd be working on his phone then glare at me why I was not doing something similar.

I had expected he'd lash at me for leaving with Filberto and for disclosing information with his father when Alba was going to die in the first case and he was going to run out of blood in the second, had I not taken either actions.

I had even expected for him to tell me to scram because he was so vexed from my actions.

But what I did not expect...

Was for him not to react at all.

Because to give a reaction, one would need to be...


My heart clenched painfully.

As one agonistic realization dawned on me, stabbing my heart.

Rickard Ellington Conway was human.

He was no superman or some alien with super powers.

He was a mortal man with an impressively affective aura that made people mistake him for a titan.

But at the end of the day, even he was not immune to a gunshot penetrating his abdomen and bleeding for around ten minutes.

He laid on the patient bed motionlessly and silently.

He had a white patient cloth on, his VII was clearly showing, and he had a blood pressure clip on his left index finger, in addition to a patient label tied around his wrist. A thin tube with a needle was connected to one of his veins, and it extended to some liquid back next to his bed. My eyes moved up, towards his face.

And my heart gave a long clench.

He had an oxygen mask on, and his features looked way less in suffering then earlier.

As for his eyes... They were closed.

His eyebrows were no longer furrowed.

I stepped closer to the bed, taking a seat next to it, as my expression crumbled.

And the reality of what happened hit me hard.

My memory, on a will of its own... started building some massive puzzle by itself, as my eyes remained on the beauteous face of Rickard Ellington Conway.

If anything, a throwback to the first time my eyes had fallen on this sharply handsome face was the first piece of the puzzle.

The labyrinth at the back of my head started coming into sight as well.

And someway somehow, it managed to cover such a huge portion of the puzzle in a matter of seconds.

Because it consisted of the many memories I had with Rickard Ellington Conway, after I'd arranged them in my mind the last time I'd introspected, after the ball at the ship.

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