Chapter 10: Arrival at Kilkenny House

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The Kilkenny estate was only about a half day's ride from London, and Nick watched it with interest as their carriage came up the long drive towards the house. The road huddled between tall poplars, making it feel like they were travelling through a tunnel of leaves. As the avenue abruptly finished, Kilkenny House came into view; a beautiful old Elizabethan mansion with three stories and a multitude of windows.

"To think you will live here in the future," her sister-in-law, Angel, mused as the carriage came to a halt before the main entrance.

A liveried footman stepped up and helped them out of the carriage, saving Nick from having to reply. It was a magnificent house, but she would never live there. The servants were well-trained after several years of Lady Kilkenny holding her annual weekend party, and the three of them, Nick, Nathaniel and Angel, were quickly shown to their rooms and informed that the guests were mostly resting or gathered on the lawns. The evening's plans included games for those interested.

Closing the door behind her, Nick walked over and threw herself on the bed in her room. Her back was aching after the bumpy carriage ride, and stretching out on the bed felt amazing. She was debating a nap before the evening, but realised she was too nervous about seeing Gabriel again, so instead, she left to inspect the house. Walking down the hallways, she realised the Kilkenny family must be one of the older ones, as the house seemed to be filled with old heirlooms and furniture from previous generations. A lot of things one might accidentally break if one wasn't careful. She may have destroyed a family heirloom or two in her day.

Once the house no longer held her interest, she walked through the open doors leading onto the extensive lawns in the back. Other guests stood scattered around the area, some having drinks and chatting, some playing games. Not seeing anyone she knew, she kept walking, enjoying her little exploration.

There was a pond not far from the house, and she wondered if Gabriel had swum in it as a child. A large hedge maze caught her interest, and she slipped inside. Following the winding paths, she smiled, wondering how many people had got lost in there after a few drinks too many during a weekend party like this one. As she was nearing what she calculated to be the middle, she heard some odd noises, and she very much hoped she wasn't about to walk in on a tryst. She probably should have turned around to make sure she wouldn't, but what would be the fun in that?

Another turn. One more. She reached the heart of the maze and stopped in her tracks, her mouth slightly agape. This was so much better than a couple in an illicit embrace. Gabriel stood in the middle of the maze, his coat and waistcoat gone, his white shirt with the top button open, revealing a hint of a smooth, flat chest underneath. In his hand he held a foil, and judging from the practice dummies placed along a small gazebo he had been in the middle of practising his fencing.

Forcing her gaze from the tantalising piece of his skin, Nick met his eyes and smiled when she saw the utter shock of finding her standing in his maze.

"Nick." He nodded his head in greeting as he shifted from one leg to the other. Maybe he worried his state of undress would scandalise her. Rather, the opposite. "I didn't realise you had already arrived."

"Only a short while ago. I was bored, so I decided to explore."

"Clearly." He cleared his throat. "I beg your pardon, I'm not quite fit for polite company."

She grinned. "I don't think anyone has ever accused me of being polite company. Don't mind me. Keep going."

Not giving him the option to decline, she sat down on a marble bench and watched him expectantly. He gave her a dubious look before turning back to the dummies to continue. She quite enjoyed watching him lunge at the target, but he soon stopped, obviously uncomfortable with her observing him. Standing, she picked up a second foil resting on the surface of the bench.

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