Chapter 20: Unexpected Visitor

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Gabriel poured himself a brandy once he was back in the office of his Albany apartments as he mulled over the new information. The possibility that someone might be in possession of the list of former and current spies was an alarming one. It was impossible to know what they were planning to do with it. He hated not knowing the path ahead. It was part of the reason he'd been an Intelligence Officer. Gathering information to help the Quartermaster-General plan the next move had suited him perfectly.

The revelation that Winterbourne had tried to matchmake him niggled at his mind, refusing to relinquish its hold, even as he tried to focus on the next steps needed to find the list. He couldn't quite believe his friend had thrown him to the wolves like that. Or, well, technically... To Nicola Howerty. Despite knowing he'd have to marry eventually, he'd given it little thought through the years—other than dodging his mother's continued attempts—instead throwing himself into his work. If he did marry... The impish turn at the corners of a tantalising mouth taunted him.

There was no denying his attraction to Nick, but the step between attraction and marriage was a steep one. One he wasn't sure he was ready to take since it might force him to stop his charade. After so long, revealing his true self to his peers was rather daunting. But he had more important matters to worry about for now. Not the least how to keep Nick safe if the vile list had fallen into the wrong hands.

A light rasp on the door interrupted his thoughts, and his valet entered.

"My lord, there is a young... gentleman here to see you." Hemsworth looked a little uneasy. "They would not give their card, so I assume it's related to your secular activities."

Gabriel nodded. He wasn't expecting anyone, but it wasn't unheard of that one of the men working for the agency sought him out at home if there was a time-sensitive issue. "Thank you, Hemsworth. Send them in."

The valet turned around and left, his gait slightly uneven. A war injury had left him without the lower half of his right leg, and he had struggled to find a job when he returned to London. Having been there when the injury happened, Gabriel had sought the former soldier out when he moved into his set and offered him the position. Living in a bachelor set at the Albany meant he only employed two servants, so Hemsworth had to fill the role of butler or footman as well as valet, but he did an excellent job. Since Gabriel required very little of a butler, Hemsworth was also an agent at the Rose Agency.

A few moments later, Hemsworth returned, showing a shortish, slender man inside. Gabriel tensed. Something was wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something about the visitor felt off. While of good quality, the clothes didn't fit exactly right, and the cut was not quite up to date.

Having noticed his reaction, Hemsworth stopped. "Sir? Is something wrong?"

The visitor looked up, the top hat no longer obscuring their face. Mischievous brown eyes met his own. Nick. He nearly dropped his brandy snifter.

"It's all right, Hemsworth." He cleared his throat. "You may leave us."

The valet glanced at Nick, possibly having figured out it wasn't a young man at all, before disappearing. As soon as the door closed, Gabriel stalked up to Nick and took the hat, revealing her long hair tied in a tight knot on the top of her head.

"What do you think you're doing?" He shook his head, not sure if he was angry or shocked. Maybe both. "Women aren't allowed at the Albany. There will be hell to pay if they find you here."

Unfazed, Nick grinned. "I heard Lord Byron's mistress did it, so I figured I could do it too."

"Lord Byron's..." His jaw might have hit the floor. "Are you out of your mind?"

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