Chapter 22: It's (Not) What It Looks Like

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Wortham made a vague motion towards Nick and her outfit. "Want to tell me what's going on here?"

"It's not what it looks like!" she burst out.

The earl lifted a dark eyebrow. "I certainly hope so, because it looks like you've dressed yourself up as a man to have an illicit encounter with your fiance."

Maybe it was a little bit what it looked like. She made a face. When her brother's friend had recognised her earlier, she had expected to have more time. Why did everyone always want to confront her straight away? Could no one wait until the following day—or even better, the following week?

"Well," she hedged, but decided that leaning into his view was probably better than telling him the truth. He might keep her secret if he only thought she was secretly meeting her fiance; he was a lot less likely to not tell Nathaniel about Henry's threats.

"The blame is mine," Gabriel said, surprising her. "I mistakenly challenged her to make it inside with no one catching her. Little did I know she would take me up on the bet."

Latching onto his lie, she flashed Wortham a big grin. "Exactly! You know me, I cannot turn down a challenge!"

Wortham watched her silently for a moment, his blue eyes narrowed shrewdly. "You do have something of a record of challenges going badly. I still remember how drunk you were at your brother's wedding. Or that one time we had to fish you out of the lake after someone said you couldn't swim with a dozen heavy stones in your pockets."

Not her finest moment. She had to admit defeat on that one.

"Still," Wortham continued. "I don't think you're telling me the full truth. Something is going on here. And it's not just your ill-advised private meeting. Truly, Nick? Are you seeking to have your reputation ruined?" He raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't expect Winter here to think ahead, but I expected better of you. No offence, Winter."

Gabriel made a face. "Maybe a little offence," he muttered.

How did he do it? Her blood boiled any time someone hinted that he was stupid, but he'd lived pretty much his whole life like that. It must grate on him.

Wortham crossed his arms over his chest. "I suggest you give me a good reason not to go straight to Pensington."

"Please don't. He might force us to marry early." She didn't hate the idea as much as she probably should.

"Are you compromised?"

"Not in the strictest sense of the word."

Gabriel stared at her before clearing his throat and looking at his friend. "I've not touched her."

The statement was met with a scoff, and he grimaced. "We've kissed, but that's it, I swear."

"If she wasn't my wife's sister, I'd be disappointed." Wortham chuckled. "A young lady comes to your apartments, and you do nothing but kiss her?"

"He's very boring," Nick chipped in.

"No," Gabriel grit out. "I'm a gentleman. A gentleman trying to do the honourable thing."

"You're a better man than I." Wortham grinned widely. "But I suppose that was never up for debate."

"Definitely not," Nick muttered. "Now, let's leave, and never tell Nathaniel a word about it."

She made a move towards the door, but Wortham caught her shoulders and turned her back around, all the while shaking his head and making a tsking sound. "Oh, no. You're not getting away that easily. What's going on?"

"Dammit, Wortham! For once, can you mind your own damn business?" Her angry outburst surprised the earl, making him laugh. It only fuelled her annoyance. "Why were you even here at the Albany with Nathaniel?"

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