Chapter 24: Revelations

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"Care to tell me why you're in a mood?"

Nick looked up at Dash, where they stood at yet another ball.

The Season seemed to be nothing but a long line of balls and social events, where one had to smile and nod and pretend to be interested in whatever the latest gossip was. She had looked forward to her first Season, but by now she had to admit that it wasn't quite her thing. After a few weeks in London, she missed the freedom of the countryside where she could go for long rides on her horse, or a swim in a lake—or the ocean down on the estate that was now hers. How her sister Rain could enjoy the town so much she'd never understand.

Glancing up at Dash, she caught him watching her sister and his brother on the opposite side of the room with an unreadable expression on his face. He'd been Rain's friend before he'd been hers. They were of a similar age and had spent a lot of time together during her sister's seasons before she married his brother.

"It's strange seeing them out together, isn't it?" she said.

His blue eyes darted back to her. "Definitely. I'm not used to seeing my brother outside the house or his club. And together with Rain..." He shrugged even as his gaze strayed back to the couple.

"Do you know what happened?" She'd always assumed he was as clueless as she was. That his brother wouldn't speak of it any more than her sister did. But after Gabriel had admitted to knowing more than her, she wasn't so sure.

The notes of a waltz floated out over the crowded room. Dash took her dance card and flipped it over, scanning it. "You're free," he said. "Let's dance."

"So chivalrous," she muttered but followed him onto the dance floor.

As he expertly led her through the steps of the dance, she watched his face as he remained silent. His eyes kept straying back to her sister and Winterbourne, a line between his dark brows. A theory sparked in the back of Nick's mind. But surely not? She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again, not sure this was a box she should be opening.

"Dash?" Blast it. She couldn't stop herself. Hopefully, the results would be better than those of Pandora.

"Hmm?" He looked down at her, and she almost thought she saw a flash of guilt in his blue eyes.

"You were about to tell me what happened between Rain and Winterbourne."

A quiet laugh escaped him. "Well played, but no."

She gasped. "So you know what happened? I never thought you knew any more than I do. Or anyone else. Rain has told none of her friends. Nor me. But she's told you? I'm not sure whether I should be offended." Her eyes narrowed. "Or did Winterbourne tell you?"

He scoffed. "My brother doesn't tell anyone anything."

"So Rain told you." She wasn't sure why that stung. No, she was. Rain wasn't just the sister closest to her in age, she was her best friend. She'd accepted her not wanting to talk about her failed marriage when she thought she didn't want to talk to anyone. But to think she had chosen someone else over her... It hurt.

"She did. But only because—" He stopped himself and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Nick. If she hasn't told you, it's not my place to do so."

Maybe her sister didn't think she could handle the truth. Did everyone think she was young and foolish, incapable of keeping a secret or acting responsibly? She was impulsive, but she wasn't a complete idiot. Did Gabriel think so too? Was that why he didn't trust her to have an affair?

"Would you have an affair with me?" she asked, making Dash miss a step in the dance as he swung his head around to stare at her.

"Excuse me?"

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