Chapter 23: Games

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Gabriel had to admit he didn't have to put much effort into appearing as his slow-witted persona when he stood with a group of friends at a ball a couple of days later. No matter how hard he tried, he could not stop thinking about the night Nick had come to his home. Or the delicious sounds she'd made as she came apart in his arms. She'd been beautiful. Irresistible. He was in trouble. Deep, deep trouble. Because he wanted to hear her make those noises again. Wanted her to call out his name.

Holy hell. There was definitely no pretence in him appearing distracted. Closing his eyes for a moment, he instantly regretted it as a vision of Nick's face in the throes of passion materialised. As if it wasn't enough for her to torment him when they were together, she had now invaded every private thought he had. Every daydream. And as much as he claimed he was an honourable man—and he damn well tried to be—his daydreams were not. There was nothing honourable about what he wanted to do with Nick.


Clearing his throat, he turned to Lord Wortham, who was watching him with an amused look on his face. "Yes? I beg your pardon, I wasn't paying attention."

"Apparently," Wortham said, and the glint in his eyes suggested he might know exactly what was occupying his friend's thoughts. "We were asking if you'd like to join us at White's tomorrow for some card games. I'm leaving London in a few days to return to my wife, and I wouldn't mind an evening out before I do."

Gabriel nodded. He knew that Nick's sister—Wortham's wife—had opted not to join him in London for the Season, as she was expecting their second child. "I would, but I have something I need to do."

"Fine," Wortham grumbled. "We'll find another fourth. Abandon me in my hour of need, why don't you."

The distinct sound of Nick's laughter carried across the room, filling Gabriel with warmth. Turning around, his eyes searched for her. She stood by the doors leading out to the garden talking to her sister, Miranda. Dressed in a pale green dress with short lace sleeves, and her hair gathered in a chignon with loose ringlets framing her face, she was the most beautiful woman in the room. Her sister might have the reputation as a diamond of the first water, but he only had eyes for Nick.

As she caught sight of him watching her, the impish turn at the corner of her mouth twitched and he could see her brown eyes twinkling mischievously, even from this distance. When she winked and disappeared out the doors onto the terrace, he barely remembered to excuse himself to his friends, before moving towards her like a moth to a flame. If he wasn't careful, he too would burn if he got too close. And yet... He could not stay away.

Passing Miranda, he nodded his greeting and nearly did a double-take as he caught sight of Winterbourne coming up to stand next to his wife. He hadn't seen his friend at a social event since his wedding day. Noticing him staring, Winterbourne gave him a barely perceptible nod. He must have decided to stay close to his wife with everything going on. Not that Gabriel could blame him. It was definitely a worry, and one they had no way of predicting when or if it might come back to bite them. Was the list already in the hands of the enemy?

He exited through the large doors, but saw no sign of Nick on the terrace, only other guests taking a spot of fresh air and a break from the heat of the crowded ballroom. The evening was balmy, but a light breeze made the outdoors more tolerable than inside. A flash of pale green between some bushes caught his eyes, and he left the terrace to go further into the garden. He found Nick standing under a marble arch covered in clinging ivy.

"You came." An impish smile deepened the dimples in her cheeks.

At this point, he wasn't sure he could have stopped himself. His body craved her like nothing before. The vow to remain honourable and never touch her again had gone up in flames, leaving only ashes behind. She had broken him, possibly beyond repair. A look back towards the house confirmed no one could see them where they stood.

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