Sneak Peek: Howertys Book #4

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You, obviously, already know whose book it is since Rain is the only Howerty left, and we've already met her husband. Marcus Dashcombe, the Duke of Winterbourne.

 Marcus Dashcombe, the Duke of Winterbourne

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Two years ago, Miranda 'Rain' Howerty sent the gossip mill into a frenzy when she married the elusive Duke of Winterbourne, Marcus Dashcombe, a mere two months into the Season. But what was meant to be a dashing love affair turned sour already on the wedding night as Rain found out the truth about why Marcus pursued her: he wanted her dowry.

Now the estranged couple is forced to live under the same roof, and Rain is ready for their marriage to end. It's clear her husband never loved her anyway. Gathering her courage, she asks Marcus for the unthinkable: an annulment.

Marcus cannot—and will not—grant her request.  Hoping to extend their time together, he offers Rain a deal. Allow him ten kisses to save their marriage, and he will consider her proposal. Even if he already knows his final answer. There is no way he will let Rain slip out of his fingers again.

 There is no way he will let Rain slip out of his fingers again

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"I want an annulment."

The statement was met with complete silence. Rain wasn't sure what she had expected, but some kind of reaction would have been nice. Even if it was anger. Or happiness to finally be rid of her. Anything other than complete silence and a blank stare. She opened her mouth to explain her request further, but was cut off before she could say anything.


She frowned as her anger sparked to life. No justification. No feelings. Just no. Marcus looked so calm where he stood behind the desk, they might as well have been discussing the weather. She had rehearsed and dreaded this conversation for months, and he didn't seem the least bit fazed. It wasn't fair.

"Why not?" She tried to keep calm, but a note of irritation laced her voice. "We detest one another. I don't see why this farce should continue any longer than it has to. It's already been two years."

Marcus came around the desk to stand in front of her, forcing her to crane her neck to keep eye contact. His sudden nearness made her want to take a step back, but she refused to let his much larger bulk and determined face cow her.

"You will not have this marriage annulled." His hazel eyes bored into her. "Believe it or not, I do have some pride, and I refuse to stand up in front of my peers and have them believe me impotent."

Silence stretched out between them as they stared at each other. How could he be so calm and in control when she was wound so tight she might burst any moment? He obviously didn't care one way or another, as long as no one thought him less than a man. She flexed her fingers, realising she'd been balling them into a fist.

When she believed herself calm enough to speak again, she took a deep breath. "I don't see why you have to be so unreasonable about this. You don't want to be married to me any more than I wish to be married to you."

He leaned back against the desk and crossed his arms over his wide chest. Somehow, it made him appear even bigger and more forbidding. "Do not presume to know my feelings, Miranda."

"I have to," she said tersely. "Since you won't show any."


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