Chapter 33: The Point of No Return

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She closed her eyes as she leaned back against the door. Could she leave it locked? Pretend the wedding had never happened? She oscillated between wanting to open the door and throw herself at Gabriel, and leaving it locked and burying herself under the covers of her bed.

For weeks she had taunted him to touch her, to kiss her... To go further. But somehow, in the back of her mind, she had known he would never take that final step. That she was safe. Judging by the way he had looked at her downstairs, the last shreds of his resistance were quickly withering. Not that she didn't want him—she most certainly did, but... They had been forced into this marriage. It wasn't something he had ever said he wanted. If they took that last, irrevocable step, there was no return. They would truly be married, with no way out.

"Nick. Please open the door."

With fumbling fingers, she unlocked it and backed into the room, away from it. She worried her lower lip with her teeth as she watched the door swing open and Gabriel stepped inside, closing it behind him. The dark look in his eyes made her stomach do an awkward somersault.

With his gaze fastened on her, he loosened his cravat while he moved into the room. Taking off his tailcoat, he threw it over a chair. He looked sinfully sexy with his blond hair in disarray from running his hands through it, and his cravat slightly askew. As he took another step towards her, she backed away.

He quirked an eyebrow in dark amusement. "You torment me for weeks, but now that we are actually married, you lock me out of your bedroom?"

"It wasn't exactly your typical wedding," she muttered defensively.

"True." His cravat fell to the floor, followed by his waistcoat. The tantalising piece of skin where his shirt opened drew her eyes. She could see his chest rising and falling as he breathed slowly.

"Are you terribly angry?" she asked, forcing her gaze back to his.

One corner of his mouth twitched. "No. I wouldn't say anger is the foremost emotion right now."

"Maybe it should be." She retreated another few steps. "If I hadn't forced you into our fake engagement, I would most likely have been married to Henry by now."

He stopped advancing, a scowl appearing on his face. "I think we should be glad it was me and not Henry."

"That's rather arrogant."

A warm chuckle met her comment. "No, I mean because I don't think it would have worked out well for anyone." He sobered. "I suspect that had the reinforcements not shown up, Fontaine would have made sure the newlyweds—whoever they were—met with an unfortunate accident once he was in possession of the deeds to the estate. As much as he claimed he would let us go... He never could have allowed the risk."

An icy shiver travelled down her spine. "So it was better for all of us that you ended up married to me."

"It might have been best if help had arrived before the wedding," he said with a wry smile. "But they didn't."

"And now we're married."

"Yes." The dark look in his eyes sent another wave of flutters through her. "You're my wife now."

"Exactly the thing you've been trying to avoid," she pointed out as he took one more step towards her. "Which is why I've been trying to apologise."

"Don't. We just agreed that had it not been me, things would have turned out pretty terribly. And honestly..." His gaze swept over her as his voice lowered, and her pulse quickened. "It is not what I want to discuss right now."

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