Chapter 16: Cooling Off

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Gabriel cursed his own weakness as he violently lunged at the target dummy with his foil. His body was taut with unspent energy and he needed to let off steam, so he attacked the innocent dummy again and again in a vain attempt to banish the memories of Nick's supple body pressed against his. Her lips, wet and chilled from the rain, meeting his kisses with equal passion. He groaned. This wasn't helping.

It was perhaps a cowardly thing to do, but he'd avoided her for the rest of the previous day, not trusting himself around her. He'd always considered himself to be a man of strong convictions. Of strong will. Yet this woman got past his defences like no one else before her. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted anyone. Holy hell.

He lunged at the dummy again with such force that the tip fell off his foil and the blade pierced the felt protecting the target's innards. The fabric ripped open and the sand inside it poured out onto the grass of the maze. Cursing again, he put the foil away with the realisation he would not get any sort of release from this. If he was honest with himself, he truly only wanted one release, and it was not an option.

Most guests would leave today, and for that he was grateful. He would follow to London in another day or two, but it would give him some distance to Nick, if only briefly. Maybe it would allow him time to forget how amazing she felt. He scoffed. No, that wouldn't happen. He would never forget that kiss. Her uninhibited response would haunt him until the day he died. Maybe longer.

Cold. He needed to cool off. This was ridiculous. Walking out of the maze—a path he could have walked with his eyes blindfolded—he considered if he should ask the maids to draw him a cold bath. The small pond beyond the gardens would have worked, had they not had visitors. He wasn't willing to expose himself to their guests. He glanced over towards the forest. There was a small, hidden lake that no one else visited, as it was a little off the beaten path. Wiping his forehead with his arm, he veered away from the house and turned his steps towards the forest. A cold bath would help him. Surely it would. It had to.

As he reached the small clearing housing the little lake, he peeled off his shirt and pulled off his boots. After a moment's hesitation, he kept his breeches on. Just in case. Wading into the water, he dived in, swimming under the surface. The cold water helped cool his heated skin, even if it did little to calm his thoughts. He broke the water surface and took a deep breath before diving under again to swim back towards the shore. Coming back up, he stood, shaking his wet hair out of his eyes. Only to find himself looking at Nick.

For a moment he thought his feverish thoughts had conjured a mirage. But no, she was definitely standing in the grassy clearing, staring at him. She was dressed in a simple morning dress of light-green muslin, hair pulled back in a bun at the back of her head. It didn't escape his notice that her gaze roamed over his bare chest and shoulders before guiltily flying back to meet his eyes. With her mouth slightly ajar, she drew a shuddering breath. Knowing he wasn't the only one affected when they were close did nothing to help his resolve never to kiss her again.

"Nick." He cleared his throat. "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?"

Her eyes stole back to his bare chest, appearing to follow a drop of water making its way down his skin towards the water's surface. "Oh. I was bored. Everyone was playing games on the lawns again or preparing to leave. Thought I'd take a walk and explore the forest."

Of course. It was as if the universe wouldn't let him stay away from her. He stayed in the water, relieved it reached his waist, even if he still wore his breeches.

"You should leave," he said. "This is highly inappropriate. If anyone finds us..."

She nodded, the impish turn at the corner of her mouth twitching. "Yes, we wouldn't want to risk your precious reputation."

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