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If you care about someone, it's like a reflex
You show it unintentionally

This headache is killing me.

Every ounce of energy was drained from my body. I could barely lift my arms.

I was awake for a few seconds, but drifted off again.

It was peaceful. A part of me didn't want to open my eyes to face reality.

I just wanted to stay like this...

Here, where nobody would hurt me. It felt warm and cosy.

The next time I became conscious, I finally had the energy to open my eyes.

I needed a few seconds to acknowledge where I am.

I was on the couch in the living room, and as I turned my head I saw Dylan sitting on the armchair in front of me. He was reading a book, but his shoulders were tensed.

He felt my eyes on him, and turned his face to make eye contact.

He put down the book and stood up to crouch down next to my head.

I gasped and tried to get further away, but my back hit the back of the couch.

"You could've told me you have diabetes."

I gulped, his voice was a bit softer, but I couldn't read his expression. I didn't know what to say, I didn't tell him about it because I thought he would use this against me or something.

I couldn't keep the eye contact longer, his hazel irises burnt into mine, then I saw a syringe on the coffee table.

"You gave me insulin? How? Where did you get this?" I still felt out of it and my voice was croaky.

"I called one of my mates, and he could bring some in time." The old Dylan was back, who held no emotion in his voice.

The whole situation was just weird. It's strange but it warms my heart a little bit?

He could've left me there.

Well, I still don't know what he wants from me, so maybe that's why he helped me, just so he can use me later...

"I recommend to have some rest before trying to escape again, you still look pale." He said as he stood up and left the room.

My head's spinning...

If he was someone else, I'd definitely have some feelings over that. It always make me emotional when someone show me they care.

Of course he doesn't care, but I think it was sweet.

What the hell am I talking about, he is the furthest from sweet.

Okay, it's not normal, I need to sleep.

And that's what I did and the next time I woke up I saw the sunset from the wall length window.

I felt better but I needed to eat something.

When I entered the kitchen I found Dylan sitting at the table, doing something on his laptop.

I quickly looked away and went to find something to eat. I decided to make a sandwich.

We shouldn't talk about my cooking abilities. In this state if I tried something more complex, I'm sure I'd burn the whole house down.

At home it was always Charlie who did the cooking...

I really miss him.

It crossed my mind if I should eat in my room, but he looked kind of peaceful so I sat down in front of him.

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