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I almost gave up, but it's not in my nature

With his left hand he grabbed my throat, while his right hand tried to twist the gun from my hand.

I fought back.

I tried to hold to the gun, and get my neck free, aimlessly kicking with my legs.

With a forceful movement he made me drop the gun and shoved me against the wall, so hard it knocked the air out of my lungs.

"You think you can just point my own gun at me?!" He was shouting in my face.

With all my force I pushed against his chest. It didn't do too much, just made him angrier.

I saw that he raised his hand, but I was faster and putting all my strength into the movement, I punched his face.

I was high on adrenaline, but I felt the throbbing pain in my hand.

For a quick second he was just shocked I actually punched him.

To be honest I was shocked too. It was the first time I've ever hit someone.

The surprise disappeared from his face, just to see pure hatred in his eyes.

In a swift motion he grabbed a knife from the counter.

He was so fast, I couldn't even realise what's happening. The next second he grabbed both of my hands and pinned them above my head, with his other hand holding the knife to my throat.

He was really angry, his eyes darker than ever.

I didn't let during the whole confrontation to show any emotions, but this brought fear to my eyes again.

I lost.

He was stronger than me again.

"If we didn't need you, I'd kill you this very second." He said slowly, his breath hitting my face.

To put more meaning to his words he pushed the knife harder against my skin.

The cold metal sent a shiver down my spine. I felt he broke the skin and a teardrop escaped my eyes.

He was still furious and it brought back the anxiety I tried to fight off yesterday.

He pulled the knife away and when I wanted to let out the breath I was holding in, he pulled back his fist just to throw a harsh punch to my ribs.

It knocked the nonexistent air out of me and all I could do was gasp.

My eyes were pinched shut, and when he let go of my hands, I slid down the wall and sat on the ground. Hugging my legs to my chest, with my left hand holding the aching area.

I left my eyes shut, but heard him going up the stairs. When I knew he was out of earshot, I broke down.

I gave up on being strong, forgot about every positive thoughts I had and just let myself cry.

Of course his punch was painful, but it's not what bothers me.

It was the first time someone hit me. It was the first time someone intentionally hurt me.

It was a lot for me to take in. The last time I was lucky and he didn't lie when he said he was generous to me.

I don't know long I sat there, but when all of my tears dried I went to have a shower.

When I stripped I payed attention to show my back to the mirror, and to not look at my side.

I knew it'll leave bruises, I just didn't want to see it. It would make it more real.

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