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Your soft curls between my fingers clenched my heart

Dylan's POV

Waking up to the voice of gunshots will never not be nerve wracking.

It's the unknown. Maybe they just shot the window or front door to break in, or one of my mates was killed with that bullet.

In a second I got out of bed and grabbed my gun from the nightstand. There was too many footsteps, too many voice shouting, so I quickly placed an other gun in my waistband.

My bedroom door opened and a frustrated looking Anthony and Daniel rushed in.

"What the fuck is that?! I thought they won't be able to get in!" I understood Daniel's exclaim. This house has high security, that's why we came here, because we thought we'll be safe.

"Stop crying about it and focus!" I knew we're in deep shit and we don't have time.

Anthony was also shocked, but mostly angry.

"We go down and deal with them." I said firmly and went first to my door.

I wanted to send someone to Lucy's room to check on her, but it's too messed up downstairs. I hope she hid in the walk in closet as I told her.

The three of us went down the stairs, and I already saw there's at least 10 men ready to kill us.

We stopped at the turn of the stairs and motioned to the guys everything I saw.

They somehow got in through a fucking window, all of them who already entered the house were going around the rooms, trying to find what they're looking for.

I took in a deep breath and motioned to attack them. We stepped out from behind the wall that meant security, and started shooting, as many men as we could. I quickly ran over and hid behind the wall at the kitchen and saw Anthony going in the living room, Daniel following him.

Two men already saw me and tried to shoot the wall next to my head, but after I heard they've ran out of bullets, I quickly stepped out and shot the both of them.

I made my way to the living room to help the guys when I saw more men coming in through one of the windows.

God damn it! There's too many of them...

I had to stop and hide again, shooting them by surprise. My heart was racing. It seemed like the more we killed, the more that entered the house. I had to reload and started firing again.

We can't win this battle. There are physically too many of them and we just can't make it.

We have to get out somehow, that's our only chance.

Then I saw something that made my blood run cold...


He layed on the floor, eyes open, bleeding wound on his temple. Seeing his lifeless body froze every cells of mine. Like when his soul left his body, mine followed after him as well. 

I couldn't believe what I saw and without thinking stood up and went to help Daniel who was hiding behind the couch. Next to Anthony.

A sharp pain on my left shoulder brought me out of my daze, and I didn't even look at it, kept running towards Daniel.

When I reached them without killing myself, I quickly croached down, checking Anthony's pulse, but feeling nothing.

I swallowed down my emotions and turned to Daniel.

"Daniel, we have to take Lucy and get out!"

I saw in his eyes how lost he was. It's been a while since we've lost any of our mates.

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