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Other's words, but my thoughts

Listen to the song 'you were good to me' by Jeremy Zucker and Chelsea Cutler at this sign **
(I put here the youtube link on the second side)

I thought I was locked in a dark room.

For a long time all I saw was pitch black and however I tried, I couldn't open my eyes. It crossed my mind that maybe they're opened, but it's just really dark in here.

Was I kidnapped again?

I felt a slight headache and a throbbing pain from my abdomen that got worse and worse as I slowly came to my senses. I felt drowsy and I panicked a bit about what's happening to me.

I tried to move my arms, move my body in any way, but I felt like I was tied down with heavy weights.

After a while I started to hear faint beeping from my side, it got louder as the minutes passed, it started to annoy me.

After what felt like eternity I somehow managed to peel my eyes open. The light from above my head was too bright so I had to squeeze my eyes back shut. Suddenly, I felt a harsh pain in my head and wanted to lift my hand to rub my temples to soothe the ache, but they were so heavy, I couldn't move them.

I groaned from the helplessness, not being able to do anything to stop my discomfort.

"Baby, are you awake?"

I needed some seconds to process the words, but my mouth was so dry, my mind so fuzzy, I couldn't form words.

Everything I felt or heard was so distant, like I was in some kind of bubble.

I slowly managed to lift my right hand to shield my eyes from the lights, but before my hand could've reached its destination, I felt a sharp pain radiating from my stomach that shocked my whole body.

I hissed and quickly put my hand over the aching area in instinct with a scrunched up face.

"Hey, it's okay. Take it slow."

I finally recognized that it's Dylan's voice and I faintly felt him caressing my hand at my side. His voice still sounded like he talked to me from an other end of a tunnel, but I tried to focus my mind on him.

"Are you in pain? I can go call your doctor."

My eyes were still closed, but I could hear the worry in his voice and I was quick to shake my head. Then I put the pieces together, that I might be in a hospital.

I got overwhelmed, but at the same time my brain was so slow and lazy that it couldn't even think through anything.

I felt that I was laying somewhere, I assumed in a bed, with a blanket over my body.

Slowly my feet landed on earth again, and I was able to think somewhat coherently.

"Dylan-" I weakly croaked out, but however I tried to cough or clear my throat, I had no voice.

I heard some shuffling before I felt something cold placed gently against my bottom lip.

"It's water, try to have a few sip."

He let go of my hand to move his to the back of my neck, and helped me lifting my head so I could drink easier. Even that small amount of water felt like heaven to my system.

After I had enough, I pulled my head away, so he removed the cup from my lips, and placed my head back on the pillow. I was still in slight panic in the darkness of my own head, and I was also dying to see his face, so I slowly started to open my eyes again.

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