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I was safe in the dark

My sleeping was uninterrupted. No nightmares or pain.

After my few hours nap I decided to get out of bed and eat something. My stomach was grumbling.

I didn't know this house, but I quite easily found the kitchen downstairs. The whole building was pretty similar to the previous ones we stayed in. Old furniture, two floors, big rooms. I wanted to open the fridge when I heard talking from the living room. As I got closer I recognised Dylan's and the doctor's voice.

I decided against eavesdropping, and entered the room.

Thomas was also there, all of them sitting on the U shaped couch.

My arrival made them stop talking and all of them looked at me.

"Hey, how are you?" Dylan asked quietly, searching my face.

"Better. And you?"

I wasn't lying, but I didn't tell him the truth either. I just didn't want to go in full details about what hurts. I'm usually not a complaining type of person, especially when they can't ease my pain.

He didn't answer right away, then I noticed his shoulder was bandaged, so I looked at the doctor, silently asking him if the shot wound is okay.

"I cleaned his shoulder wound, it'll be fine, just like his other bruises."

I'm glad he's okay. It seems like this incident didn't have much effect on him. However I had a bad feeling at the pit of my stomach...

I still felt like it's a dream, and I could wake up in that metal chair any minute. One moment didn't pass without me thinking back to what happened.

I feel like with every slap and hit, a part of my soul left my body. The girl they rescued is not the same as who was dragged in that house. Once again I had lost myself, and now I'm just empty, but the worst part of it is that I don't know what was the reason.

I moved to sit down on the seat next to Thomas. Dylan was sitting opposite to me and I looked at him as I asked.

"Can we talk?"

For a second he made eye contact with Thomas, before meeting my eyes again.

"Yes, we can." He turned to the doctor, alluding to leave the room. He got the hint and left the three of us alone.

"What are your questions?"

I gulped and thought back to every conversation I had with that man.

"That one man said that they can't find my brother, that they have a job for him, but he's hiding somewhere. What does he have to do with any of this?" I looked between Dylan and Thomas, looking for answers.

"Lucy, this is complicated-"

I'm not here for this bullshit.

"I don't fucking care! I deserve to know the reason why I got the shit beaten out of me!" My vision got blurry, but blinked the tears away quickly.

"Dylan, I want answers! Now!" I know he said it's none of my business and that he'll tell me eventually, but this went too far.

He sighed, leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, head rested on his hands. He stayed silent for a moment, looked like he's lost in his thoughts.

"Your brother, Charlie helped them to get my mate into prison. And now they need him, because they want me to rot there as well."

"B-but why Charlie? There's tons of lawyers out there..." I trailed off, I was just more confused all of sudden.

EscapeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon