should I forgive?

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I decided to tell Carla what happened. After all she was my bestfriend.

"Jade. I know you still love him but that photo you saw was actually a video. How many times did you watch it?"

"I only watched it once I couldn't take it anymore. So I didn't notice it was a video. I think my mind had stopped." I couldn't believe it. I kind of didn't wanna hear what's next.

"The video I think was about 5 seconds. Damiano let her kiss him, he didn't push back. Im telling you this because I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want him to do this again and you will get hurt again."

I was hurt. When I thought things were good. They actually weren't. I went up to my room and slammed the door.

I sat down on my bed and broke into sobs. At that moment I felt like punching the wall but I knew I would get hurt.

Then my phone started ringing. I cleared my throat and answered it.


"Hello sweety," It was my mum, she was panicking. "It's your grandfather he isn't okay he just had a heart attack and we are at the hospital."

"I'm coming right now mum."

Then I hung up.

"Carla I'm going to the hospital because my grandfather had a heart attack. Stay here." She nodded with a worried expression on her face.

I closed the door behind me and took out my car keys. I got in the car and drove to the hospital.


When I arrived I went straight to the receptionist and gave her my grandfather's  name. She told me the room he was in and then I went to that room.

I went in the room and there he was next to my grandfather, Damiano David. "What are you do-"

"Hello Jade darling how are you?" My grandfather cut me from saying the whole sentence. "I'm great but most importantly, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling great, but now that I have you two by my side I'm better."

My grandfather loved me and Damiano. It was like Damiano was his grandson.

14 May 2017

Me and Damiano went to my grandparents house. They both loved Damiano.

"So when are you guys gonna move in together?" My grandfather asked.

"We'll see nonno. Damiano is 19 and I'm 18 there is still time."

"Yeah what Jade said, there is still time."

"Don't bother with them Michele. They are still young and I think they are meant to be together so they will definitely be able to wait a little."

"Yes Maria I understand, I was just preparing them so they move in together, 1 year later get married and then have babies."

Damiano and I choked on our water. "Nonno.."


"What? That is life."

"Grandpa, we won't have babies at 22. Maybe at 27."

"27?!" My grandfather exclaimed almost having a heart attack.

"Calm down nonno, eat and then we'll see."


"Mr Giannini can I speak to Jade outside?"

My nonno nodded and Damiano went outside to talk to me. What did he want?

"Why are you mad at me? We just kissed like an hour ago?"

"Because I found out that when you kissed that girl you didn't push her back. I can't just forgive you Damiano. I was hurt and broken, and I spent weeks in my room crying. I was in love with you and I gave you my heart."

"And how did you find out about this now?"

"My bestfriend told me."

"Don't trust everything people tell you. But I swear I didn't kiss her."

"Okay I know that Damiano but why didn't you push her if she kissed you? It seemed like you enjoyed it and besides you even said it; don't trust everything people tell you."

Then I went inside the room again.

"Nonno where are my parents and my grandma?"

"I think if I remember correctly they went to eat something, I told them to."

Then the door opened and in came my grandma and my parents.

"Oh hello Jade how are you honey?" My grandma exclaimed. Its been a while since I saw her. "I'm great nonna."

My Grandpa was the only one that didn't know that me and Damiano had broke up. Grandma never had the chance to tell him.

"Jade can I speak to you outside?" I nodded and I left the room with my mum.

"Since nonno doesn't know that you and Damiano broke up I want you to act as though you are still together because I don't want him to get worried and go for the worse."

I tried to understand but I couldn't so I just nodded. So now I had to act as if I'm still together with Damiano. Great.


We all decided to spend a month at my grandparents house to help them in anything and besides, they had a nice house with a garden and pool.

But that means that I had to live with Damiano.

As we arrived, we ate and Damiano had to leave because Sanremo was tomorrow.

"Since for me and Maria it's a tradition that we watch Sanremo this will not change and besides Jade you get to see your boyfriend and his friends perform."

I almost choked on my own saliva.

"Oh yes I'm very excited!" I did a fake expression as good as I could.

What was I going in for? A whole month.

Toxic - Damiano DavidWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu