Song 1 ♫ But Not Today

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I had mistakes spread all across Orlando, but the biggest one was in my face every day of the week, since he was no other but my asshole boss.

Bryce Montgomery was the owner of Ultra Beauty and Spa, a growing company dedicated to providing beauty solutions to Central Florida. With three brick and mortar stores and a booming online business, the company was poised to expand rapidly. Most of the employees were young and motivated, which would result in a fun environment—if it weren't for Bryce.

Since he'd texted me to be at his office first thing, I waited for him to show up while sipping on coffee from a travel mug and sitting across from Dawn, his secretary and one of my best friends.

"He's such a dick," she said, not losing focus from filing her nails. "He should've just told you a specific time, instead of leaving you to wait."

"It doesn't matter, I'm getting paid to drink coffee and catch up with you." I tossed my hair over my shoulder and leaned forward. "Unless he's finally gonna fire me. Did you hear anything about what this is about?"

"Girl, if he'd want you gone you would already be."

True. There was also the additional fact he'd once told me no one else could compare to the eye candy I was. So unless he hired another beauty pageant queen, he probably intended to keep me around.

And not just for the eye candy. At least once a year he renewed his interest in sleeping with me again.

Dawn shook her head. "But no, he didn't say why he wants to meet with you. It could be anything."

My shoulders lifted in turn with my face scrunching up. "Keep 911 on speed dial just in case."

"Nah, girl. If he so lays a finger on you, you whop his ass. Or you holler for me and I help you teach him a lesson."

At sixty plus years of life, Dawn was a black woman who had seen some shit and learned to take none. She was my life goals, except for the part where no matter how much Bryce paid me I would never be his secretary.

What had I ever seen in him?

As he finally graced us with his presence, I remembered that it had been his smile.

"Good morning, ladies."

Dawn responded by giving him A Look. The one that conveyed her displeasure with his tardiness, or his general existence, clearer than any words could. All I did was stand up, grab my stuff and follow him into his office.

His perfect, Ken doll smile stayed plastered on his good looking face without a hitch.

Once upon a time, I'd thought that gesture was built on self confidence, that he was someone who stood firm against adversity and grinned back at it. A couple of months into dating him taught me the real driver behind that pretty smile was actually the apathy he felt towards anyone but himself. It was a smile of condescension.

That was why I wasn't surprised he'd kept me waiting for over an hour, with nary a warning, and why he sat all comfortable by his desk without apologies.

"You look hot this morning," was what came out of his mouth instead.

Even though I wore a black blouse with coverage all the way up to my neck, I felt as though I sat naked in front of him with the way he ran his eyes down my frame.

"What am I doing here, Bryce?"

It took some effort for him to lift his eyes to mine.

"Yeah, so. I want to introduce a new brand for our anniversary event," he said as he took his laptop out of his case.

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