Song 17 ♫ Wish He Were Here

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Since I spent the whole week wearing my grumpy pants, Leyna grabbed me on Friday and said, "Listen, you know how Gonzalo's working as a bouncer, right?"

Gonzalo was her boyfriend, a six foot, three inches behemoth of a man who cried when the bachata was too heartfelt, but who could flatten a whole man with a single slap.

"Well, there's gonna be some big event at the club tonight and he got VIP tickets." She pointed a finger at my face. "I think you should come with."


She rolled her eyes. "Because you've been a sourpuss all week and we need a happy puss instead."

"Ugh, you're so gross." But she almost made me laugh. Almost.

Which was how, Friday night I dolled up. I wore the tightest jeans in my arsenal, with a few strategic rips showing some skin but not enough to get me arrested for indecent exposure. I put on an emerald green blouse that made my eyes pop, even in the dim and flashing lights of a club. It was cut pretty tight, with a plunging neckline occasionally hidden by the frills of the blouse. My hair was done in long, perfect waves, makeup was on point and heels were sky high.

I was ready to put the week behind me and welcome the weekend while shaking my booty.

Leyna picked me up, along with one of her Dominican friends, and off we went. The line at the front of the club was so long, it actually continued onto the next block but we knew better. I'd only joined this party on counted occasions before, but ever since Gonzalo got this job, he would always sneak us in from the back of the building.

That was precisely what we did. Leyna's friend, Andrea, and I, waited until Leyna and Gonzalo were done greeting each other, enjoying the night air of downtown Orlando while they enjoyed each other's tongues.

"Siempre lo mismo," Andrea said and I chuckled.

If I had a loving, devoted boyfriend like Gonzalo, I'd probably greet him the same way every time. But I was here precisely to forget such things.

I clapped. "Okay, okay. Let's go."

That tore the lovebirds apart and Gonzalo finally let us through. I vaguely motioned at his mouth, which Leyna had left smeared in her bright pink lipstick. Gonzalo didn't seem to mind, though.

The club vibrated with electronic music. It wasn't quite my favorite, though sometimes there were a few true jams here and there, but this club was pretty good with the music variety. They'd play EDM for a bit, then switch to some Latin music, a few oldies and so forth. A bit of everything for everyone.

And everyone seemed to be packed into the place. We had to squeeze our way through the throngs of people to reach the entrance to the upper floor, where the VIP section was. The tickets Gonzalo had given Leyna let us through, and even the stairs were a crunch. I'd never felt so many body parts brushing against me outside of a dance floor.

"Whew, esto está loco," Leyna said, once we finally took our place in the high top table Gonzalo had reserved for us. It had a great view down the balcony to the massive dance floor below and the stage.

"What's the deal? Why's all Central Florida here?" I asked—and when I said asked, I meant shouted.

"Some big shot artist is going to show up," Leyna shouted back.

Andrea volleyed back with, "I heard it's a hot debut."

No importa, I thought to myself, glancing around until I spotted a waitress. I waved her over and asked for a bottle of Venezuelan rum. I knew this place had a couple of brands I was familiar with, and rum was just the thing I needed to stop thinking about that last dinner with Tae Yang, and how we hadn't talked since.

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