Song 13 ♫ Need a Rescue

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One moment I sat at my desk, researching methods to fine-tune the recipe of my facial masks, and the next Bryce stormed into my office as though closed doors didn't signify boundaries.

"Uh, can I help you with anything?" I asked, hoping there was actually nothing I could do for him. I was close to the breakthrough I needed and since the store was quiet today, I'd much rather use my time on my research than on anything my asshole boss wanted.

He sat on the chair opposite me and crossed his legs.

I deflated. That was his I want to talk move.

Bryce laced his fingers above his thigh and said, "I want to talk about your performance as of late."

People of old had been researching spontaneous combustion as if it were of grave concern, but what came over me was the exact opposite. I physically froze into a once human iceberg as my brain scrambled to find any instances that might have prompted this torture. Aside from agreeing with Quinta to try some homemade products instead of buying crazy pricey ones, I couldn't think of anything.


Bryce etched one of those winning smiles of his. "You have gone above and beyond. Don't think I didn't notice how you helped us sign those contracts with South Korean providers and your efforts for the anniversary event."

Gracias Señor! I could breathe again.

I sat straighter as I said, "Yes, we even sold out of the Korean products. They proved to be every bit the hit you expected."

"Of course." While he nodded, I mentally praised myself for my diplomacy. "That's why I would like to give you a proper reward."

I jumped to my feet. "A bonus?"

Any amount of extra money he gave me would help fund my research and get me that much closer to the goal of having a kickass baseline of products I could pitch to Bryce.

He laughed. "Even better, and I would like to tell you over dinner tonight if you're available on a Friday night."

A bonus. Maybe a raise. Of course I as fucking available.

I sat back down, all demure and beauty pageant like and said, "Absolutely."

As soon as he'd vacated my office I called Mom and told her the news. We somewhat managed to keep our volume down, since she was also at work. A few squeals did leak out, though.

Ever since I'd been promoted to a full time employee, I'd had no other salary increases or recognitions. I was really looking forward to what was well overdue.

After texting Dawn and Quinta about it, there was only one more person I wanted to share the news with but it had been a while since we last talked—which coincided with the last time we kissed. I took a deep breath and clung to the buoyancy my happiness gave me, letting go of the embarrassment weighing me down since then, and finally texted Tae Yang.

I have great news!

He responded right away with, Fantastic! That makes only one of us.

Uh-oh, I responded. Did the funny girl keep hitting on you?

Tell me ur good news first & then I tell you my ?! news.

Okay, my asshole boss made a not so asshole move and invited me to dinner to give me either a bonus or a promotion for my stellar work of the past few months.

Whoa, that's amazing and so well deserved! 'Bout time he compensated u for almost dying.

I chuckled and responded with, IKR? Okay, your turn.

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