Song 27 ♫ Not Just About Making Love

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It took a village to make a grand romantic gesture.

Tae Yang was due to return to Orlando today, for a solid week where I planned to hog him for myself—starting by tonight.

I sat in his bedroom while Leyna did my makeup, under the strict supervision of Madison who, I suspected, had nothing better to do at the moment than micromanage the operation down to the foundation brushstrokes.

"Wow, you're honestly the first person I see who is not transformed by makeup," Madison said, leaning forward to inspect the work. "You're just naturally hot, huh?"

"Girl, you didn't see the news?" Leyna asked while she applied lipstick on me. "This bitch was a beauty pageant queen."

"Runner up," I said.

At that moment, Vera came into the room. The singer said, "Okay, we're all packed and ready to go."

I cringed. "Sorry to displace you guys. Where will you be staying this week?"

Madison tossed her bicolored hair over her shoulder. "I'm staying with Quinn at his mom's for a couple of days, and then he and I are staying in a remote cabin in Vermont, where we plan to do pretty much the same you and Link will be doing."

"Ah," I said, not even denying the allegation.

Vera shrugged. "Ash and I are staying at my mom's and brother."

Her bandmate arched an eyebrow. "Oh? Are things getting better between you and your mom?"

The lead singer of the biggest rock band in the world grimaced. "We're trying."

"Listen," I said from behind Leyna. "If this is too much of a bother, I can book us a hotel room."

"No!" both of them shouted at me.

Vera shook her head and added, "Goodness, the last thing we want is the tabloids to catch you and Link checking into a hotel together. You're both safer here."

"Listo," Leyna announced, pulling away to inspect her creation. "Damn, boy's gonna get stiff as soon as he lays eyes upon you."

On cue, the other two whistled.

Madison said, "So glad I'm not gonna be here to see that happen because yeah, it'll absolutely happen."

"Wow," Vera looked me up and down. "This is what a Miss Venezuela looks like in the flesh, huh?"

I headed over to the mirror and inspected myself. With the years I'd gained some weight that put me way outside of the 90-60-90 ideal of a Miss Venezuela, but the gain had actually settled around my curves favorably. In the super tight red dress with a plunging cleavage and short skirt, I looked even better than ten years ago.

Leyna had done smokey eyes and red lipstick. Normally, they were overboard together, but today we had very clear intentions. And while she had the subtlety of a sledgehammer, she wasn't wrong. Tonight's goal was to drive Tae Yang absolutely wild. I adjusted my boobs so they were a little more on display and fluffed my hair just a tad.

"Also," Vera continued. "I'm very glad we sent the guys ahead."

Madison laughed. "Yeah, this show is for Link's eyes only. And ours."

"Don't worry, my eyes were already burnt by THESUN and I can't see anyone else," I told them.

"Hah!" Leyna clapped. "That was a good one."

"Thank you," I told them, going as far as giving a hug to each of them.

"Don't mention it," Madison said.

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