Song 22 ♫ Stand Beside THESUN

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THESUN's song hadn't stopped dominating the airwaves ever since I heard it at the store, working on facials with Leyna. I'd hated it then, reminding me of a possibility I denied myself with Tae Yang.

Now, it was my favorite song.

I jammed to it as I drove to work on Monday morning. The romantic ballad start of the song, leading to a faster and harder tempo turning into a club banger, reflected exactly how I felt after a mostly sweet date with Tae Yang.

Mostly, because there were plenty of moments when we looked into each other's eyes, wondering if we should pack our things up and find the nearest hotel. Somehow, by sheer willpower, we managed to keep it in our respective pants.

My favorite part of the whole date was just sitting with my back against his chest, watching his hand write music notes on a notepad he balanced on my knees. His chest would vibrate as he hummed the music playing in his mind, the sound blending with the crashing waves as a glimpse of what happiness truly was.

Going our separate ways later that night was the hardest thing. Which was why come Sunday, we met again for a brunch that started at noon and ended up almost at midnight.

I sipped on coffee at a red light, letting my new favorite song play on repeat. Mom was working at his house today and since I'd have to go pick her up, it would give me the perfect excuse to drop by and steal a few kisses.

When I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car, I realized there hadn't been a Monday I'd felt better about than today. The sun was brighter, the colors stronger and the world more beautiful.

I did spot a gaggle of people just outside the store, more out of place than the sudden bout of joy in my chest. Did we have a sale today? And if so, why were they here so early? The store wasn't even open to the public yet.

"Excuse me," I said to the back of the group. It was large enough I couldn't find a way around it to the store doors, leaving me with no choice but cutting a path through.

One man turned around and upon seeing me, shouted, "There she is!"


That was my last coherent thought before they turned into a human avalanche, descending upon me.

My body froze. So did my brain.

"It's Link's girlfriend!" someone yelled.

A camera flashed right in my face.

"Give us a few comments."

"What does it feel like to be Link's girl?"

"Are you guys exclusive?"

"Any marriage plans?"

Someone jolted me. Everyone was so close, there was no air.

"Did you guys have fun at the beach?"

"Is it the early dating stages?"

"I mean, I bet that's why she and Link were handsy."

I shrunk in on myself, wondering how these strangers knew so much. But also who the hell was Link?

"Um," I said amidst the questions that didn't stop. "Can you please just—I need to get to work."

"Doesn't your rich boyfriend support you?"

"Can you tell us how you met?"

"How long have you been dating?"

What was going on?

Why did these people not let me move a single step?

I tried to push my way through but it was the same as trying to move a mountain. Right as I feared I'd start crying, a whistle pierced through the chaos and brought it to a reluctant pause.

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