Song 21 ♫ Heating Me Up

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Never had two weeks gone by slower.

Tae Yang and I spent every possible minute while we weren't working or sleeping, glued to our phones, getting our fix of each other like junkies who just learned the taste of a new drug—with withdrawal symptoms kicking in at the same time.

That was why, just a couple of days before his work trip came to an end, when he asked where I wanted to go for our first official date, I immediately said the beach. This time of year it would be just a tad too cool for it to be swarming with people, giving us plenty of opportunity to get cosy.

He responded with a pained face emoji and I texted him back with, I promise this time you'll like it.

"Qué pasó con no querer salir con más muchachos?" Mom asked me on the Saturday morning leading to said first date.

I turned this way and that in the mirror, finding little flaws in my body here and there. These past few months I hadn't been watching my diet or exercise as much as usual. After the airplane incident my priorities had shifted towards enjoying my time more, including eating more of Mom's homemade food instead of so many damn salads.

It was also why I'd stopped lying to myself about Tae Yang. My heart always wanted what it wanted, and it beat that much harder until I got it. And it wanted him.

I stopped inspecting the new bikini I'd bought for the occasion, a red little number with small flower print, and put on a pair of jean shorts and a white, cotton blouse.

Turning to my mom, I said, "Lo mismo que pasó cuando aprobaste a Tae Yang."

She folded her arms but had no retort against the common denominator. It was he who, somehow, had made both of us change our minds.

Packing up my bag with all the beach essentials, I said, "I haven't quite forgiven you for lying to me."

"Yo no estaba mintiendo hasta que me di cuenta de que ese muchacho era el amiguito tuyo nuevo."

I followed her out of my room, checking my phone to see if he was here yet. The last message was still OMW, so I sat on the couch.

Mom emerged from the kitchen with an additional bag. "Llévate esto, es una meriendita que les hice."

There was absolutely no ita about it, as the bag was bigger than my own. A peep inside revealed a Tupperware of sandwiches, another one with assorted fresh fruit, more baggies of chips than two people could possibly need, fresh juice, soda and an additional container with brownies.

"When did you make all this?"

"Yesterday," she said, sitting across from me on her armchair. "In the big house. Little surprise."

At Tae Yang's.

I smiled. "Wow, you really like him."

Mom cleared her throat and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Es muy buen muchacho."

I lifted an eyebrow. "No y que no se conocían hasta la noche del casino?"

"Es verdad," Mom said, giving me a side glance. "Se la pasaba todo el tiempo en su cuarto trabajando pero lo dejaba todo limpio y acomodado. Y si veia a los demás haciendo desastre los regañaba."

"Ohh, so it's not because he's rich but because he's orderly."

"Exacto." She lifted her nose in the air.

The effort I made not to laugh should've won me a medal. Mom always found flaws in all my previous boyfriends, and no doubt Tae Yang wouldn't be spared. But for now, I should bask in this rare approval.

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